Can lime prevent pregnancy during ovulation? Can lime flush out sperm after unprotected sex?
Lime even when combined with 7UP and ampiclox can not be used to prevent pregnancy!!! Not even during ovulation.
Let’s talk about emergency contraception. They are methods used to prevent pregnancy after sexual intercourse. They DO NOT INDUCE ABORTION and cannot interrupt an established pregnancy.
Four methods of emergency contraception are:
1. Emergency contraceptive pills containing Levonorgestrel
2. Emergency contraceptive pills containing ulipristal acetate
3. Combined oral contraceptive pills
4. Intrauterine copper device
Emergency contraceptive pills containing Levonorgestrel
Should be taken as soon as possible but can be taken within 72 hours (3 days) of having sex. It’s usually taken as one tablet but some contain two tablets which can be taken 12 hours apart.
Side effects: nausea, vomiting
Emergency contraceptive pills containing ulipristal acetate
Should be taken as soon as possible but can be taken within 120 hours (5 days) of having sex. They’re taken as one tablet and require a prescription from a doctor.
Side Effects: nausea, vomiting, irregular bleeding
Combined oral contraceptive pills
The first dose should be taken within 120 hours followed by a second dose 12 hours later.
S/E: nausea, vomiting, slight irregular vaginal bleeding, fatigue
Intrauterine copper device placement
It needs to be inserted by a health care provider within 5 days of having unprotected sex. The doctor can remove it after your next period but it’s advisable to leave it in place in order to have ongoing birth control.
IUCD is the most effective form of emergency contraception available.
S/E: headache, breast tenderness, irregular bleeding.
Disclaimer: Drugs used for emergency contraception do not harm future fertility and there is no delay in the return to fertility after taking ECPs. Remember that emergency contraception are for emergencies, please endeavor to ask your doctor about the best birth control options.

Summary, lime does not prevent pregnancy. Lime does not flush out sperm…lime does not remove pregnancy, lime does not wash out sperm…lime does not prevent pregnancy during ovulation. If you have unprotected sex while ovulating and you do not take emergency contraceptive pills like postinor, postpill or plan within 72hours after, all things being equal, you will get prehmant and lime will not help you.
Source: Outpost Healthcare