5-Hour Energy side effects – All you need to know about the dangers or side effects of this drink.
#DidYouKnow this about energy drinks like Red Bull or 5 Hour Energy?!
5️Hour Energy Shots Ingredients:
(knowledge is key)
⛔ Citicoline, Sucralose, Caffeine ⛔️
✅ Citicoline was originally developed in Japan for #stroke treatment. It was later introduced as a prescription drug in many European countries. In these countries it is now frequently prescribed for thinking problems related to circulation problems in the brain. In the US, citicoline is marketed as a dietary supplement.
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✅ Among the side effects associated with using Citicoline are headache, irregular heartbeat, diarrhea, low blood pressure, dizziness, lightheadedness, vomiting and nausea.😳🥺🤯
✅ 5️⃣ Hour Energy Shots use Sucralose, an artificial sweetener. You may know it better by its other name, Splenda. The majority of ingested sucralose is not broken down by the body, so it is noncaloric. e+ ENERGY SHOTS use stevia as a sweetener, a safe natural sweetener made from the stevia plant.

✅ Caffeine – 5 Hour Energy Shots use a
synthetic caffeine which is produced by chemical or biochemical synthesis. Simply put, it’s man made. e+ Energy Shots use naturally-sourced caffeine from green tea and yerba maté.
✳️✳️ There are two types of caffeine. Natural caffeine and synthetic caffeine. So how do you tell the difference between natural caffeine and synthetic caffeine? It is really easy!! How you ask? By simply reading the product label.
✳️ Synthetic Caffeine ✳️
✅ If you look at a product label and find the word “caffeine” listed as an ingredient, then the product contains synthetic caffeine. Synthetic caffeine is produced by chemical or biochemical synthesis. Simply put, it’s man made. You will find synthetic caffeine in soft drinks, energy drinks (Red Bull) and in energy shots. (5 Hour energy shots)
✅ Too much of this caffeine can result in caffeine intoxication. This is characterized by nervousness, excitement, increased urination, insomnia, flushed face, cold hands/feet, intestinal complaints, and sometimes hallucinations.
✳️✳️ Natural Caffeine ✳️✳️
✅ Caffeine is naturally produced by several plants, including coffee beans, guarana, verba mate, cacao beans, and tea.
✅ When a product contains a natural caffeine, you will not find the word “caffeine” on the ingredient label. Instead, you will find the source of the caffeine listed on the label.
You DON’T see the word caffeine listed on our e+ shots, instead you find the ingredients yerba mate and green tea. A source of #natural caffeine.
Be guided
Sourced by nimedhealth.com.ng from Myrna Morales..