Baby Burping Tricks: Simple Techniques on how to burp a gassy baby
Practical Techniques for Burping a Gassy Baby
Killing a sleeping baby is like burying an awake child. You can slow down to help them fall asleep. Some burping positions are somewhat easy to manipulate with a sleeping baby. Here’s how to burp a gassy baby:
Why would a baby burp?
The best analogy for burping is to compare it to a soda can with carbon dioxide gas trapped underneath it. To release the bubbles from the box, you need to tap the can until the “phase” wafts through the open slot.
1. Swallowing air
It happens when your baby is eating too fast. The milk spills through the bottle, or the baby becomes hungry and consumes it very quickly. If breastfeeding mamas have a lot of milk, babies consume more air. If you have a very fussy and gassy baby, then ask a doctor for treatment. Most babies grow out of this after a few months. The baby will swallow rapidly to handle the increased flow, resulting in the wind blowing. It is one of the main problems in Gassy Baby. Other ways to help your child swallow less air include:
👉Breastfeeding baby or sitting straight in your arms while breastfeeding.
👉Using a nipple designed to prevent excess air
👉To make sure the formula is hot enough to taste comfortable.
👉Giving the baby a warm bath.
👉Give a baby a massage to help the baby move the gas in their body.
2. Digestion
The food that Mama eats is in her breast milk, so the baby basically “accepts” this same meal. The baby’s gut bacteria turn some food into gases, which pass out through your baby’s mouth or back. Foods that generally cause gas in adults also produce gas in children. The culprits include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and beans. Soda, sugar, candies, and gums can also cause gas.
3. Allergic reactions or food intolerance
If you are breastfeeding, your baby may have a sensitivity to certain foods you eat and may experience stomach pain as a result. The most common food reaction among children is the intolerance of dairy, and mothers to ice cream, cheese, or yogurt.

Does Your Baby Burp After Breastfeeding?
That said, not all children need to burp. Although reflux or colic may require regular burping, others have no problem with gas and can easily fall asleep with the breast or bottle. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, breastfeeding infants have less burping because they receive less air than breastfeeding children. A survey published in Care, Health, and Development explained that babies do not need burping and may be more prone to scabies.
What Happens If Your Baby Doesn’t Burp?
The excellent news: Wiping a baby can relieve excess gas, but not all babies need to burp. In general, breastfeeding babies consume less air and, therefore, may not need to be buried after each feeding. If your baby goes to bed comfortably after nursing, feel lucky! If your baby is excessively impatient or inclined after feeding, he or she may have excess gas and may benefit from sneezing.
Why do kids need to burp?
Since babies have a weak sphincter in the esophagus, it prevents them from blowing the air themselves. If one does not do this for them, the gas enters the intestine, creating stomach discomfort. To release that air, you have to cut the baby off during or after each feeding.
How to Burp a Child
Keep the baby in a tight position, such as lying on your shoulders or in your lap.
Gently rub or pat them on the back.
If the baby doesn’t respond, wait a few minutes, then try again.
If your baby is unstable and all else fails, here are some ways to burp your baby:
Grandma’s Burp: Sit on your lap to support the baby’s head by pressing the heel of a hand and the fingers around your chin. Run your thumb and forefinger into the baby’s spine.
‘Old-school’ burp: Hold your baby in your lap and bend them slightly forward. When you are pushing or rubbing a baby’s back, slowly and gently rotate their body from the waist backward, much like if the baby was practicing pre-aerial warm-up. Do this with each side, front, back, and bottom.

Dance the Burp: Hold the baby securely between your two hands, sitting on your knees, shaking the baby’s upper body half lightly from left to right, and back in a repetitive rhythmic motion. Bounce to your knees as you do so.
Massage the Burp: With some risk, lower the baby’s head to one side and lower the abdomen. Press lightly on the baby’s spine and gently slide one hand behind your baby until you reach the shoulder blades. As you massage, place another hand on the base of your baby’s spine.
Bicycling: Slowly, the baby’s feet are like cycling towards their chest as they fall behind. If you have a very fussy and gassy baby, then ask a doctor for treatment.
Sling Burping: Hold the baby up straight against your chest and hang him or her up until the air comes up. You can do your tasks or rotate at the same time. The rhythmic bounce can help the gas escape.
Over-the-shoulder burp: Place the baby with the upper abdomen against your collarbone. Apply a little pressure while pressing your collarbone back, or use the heel of your hand to rub circles with the nose on your back.
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Over-the-Hand Burp: Sit the baby in your lap and place the heel of your hand against their abdomen, with the chin on the top of your hand. Push the baby in front and their backs forward.
Over the Knee Burp: Place your baby on your knee under the belly and gently push their back.
Knee-to-Chest-Burp: Bend the baby’s knee against their chest and rub or slap them on the back.
The best time to drown a baby is to feed it frequently, as well as to release gas after post-feeding. If you are breastfeeding, bury your baby when you switch breasts during feeding. If you feed a bottle, sprinkle your baby after every ounce (30 ml) or two (60 mL) of liquids. Whatever the breast or bottle feeding, be sure to spray your baby after you have finished eating. If the baby has a gas problem, colic, or spit fall, you may want to break it down more frequently.
Author Bio
Emylee is a wellness lifestyle writer and wrote this article for Nimedhealth as a guestpost. She currently writes related to Ayurvedic, natural remedies, yoga and fitness for How To Cure. She will connect with others experiencing health concerns and help them through their recovery journeys through natural remedies.