How much is the Cost of kidney Test in Ghana?
Dear Ghanaians, Learn To Imbibe Renal (Kidney) Care.
In my previous article on about the body organs, several persons inquired about ways to protect one’s kidneys. Of a fact, renal care is a huge topic. It can not be covered in a single post. Nonetheless, I will try to summarise the topic as apt as possible.
Firstly, people should learn to imbibe good daily routines. This can be done by drinking water regularly, avoiding excessive salt intake, letting go of alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking, exercising, maintaining an ideal weight, avoiding toxic herbal concoction, reducing sugar intake, and taking some over-the-counter medications such as painkillers only when prescribed by a professional. These tips can be done basically by modifying the way we live.
Secondly, people should learn to prevent or manage ailments that lead to kidney failure. Such ailments include Diabetes, Hypertension, HIV, Inheritable kidney diseases. When one is down with any of these ailments, the right step to take is to seek medical care. Visit the closest hospital to you for proper checkup and management.
Thirdly, in the case of a full-blown kidney disease, such a person should seek a Kidney specialist (Nephrologist). Under the care of this specialist, dietary and medication modifications will be done. For example, people with kidney diseases are advised to cut down on beans products. Also, several medications that could damage the kidneys are discontinued so that reno-protective medications can be instituted.
Admittedly, I understand that some people got to know about their kidney disease as a surprise. They never lived a kidney-harming lifestyle and neither did they have any basal kidney damaging ailment. According to them, “Doctor, it just happened”. This, indeed, is a painful thing. Anyway, there are ways to protect against things like this.
How much is the Cost of kidney Test in Ghana?
Your renal health can be checked if we all imbibe routine kidney check-up by testing the kidney function at intervals. In fact, in the UK and in many tertiary hospitals in Nigeria and Ghana, the Kidney function test (SEUCr) is a routine test for anyone who seeks medical care. If you wish to do this test in Ghana, you will have to pay for it. This will cost you between GHC 500 to GHC 1,000 Ghana Cedis, depending on the center. You can choose to do this every year as prescribed by your doctor.

If peradventure you can’t afford this, you can choose to do a simple urinalysis test. This will cost you between GHC 10 – GHC 20 Ghana Cedis, depending on the center. You can also go for a renal scan or kidney scan as a routine test for the kidney function. Renal scan WI cost you GHC 1,000 Ghana Cedis.
So, my people, let us try to do our best in order to protect our lives. Protect your kidneys!
Dr. Nosa