Itchy Skin After Bathing? Here are the Home Remedies.
If you constantly itch after bathing, a few tips that can help:
. Use boiled, warm water
. Don’t scrub your skin with a sponge
. Add some baby oil to the bathing water
. Don’t use antiseptics
Sometimes the itching might be due to a medical condition, see a doctor if it persists.
You can also add a little baking soda to your bath water
This condition where a person itches after bathing is known as aquagenic pruritus.

There is usually no rash or changes on the skin during the itch, can be mild or intense.
The exact cause is not known yet.
Sometimes, it may be caused by a condition known as Polycythemia vera
Which is a condition where your bone marrow makes too many red blood cells.
It can be caused by other conditions also. There have been cases where it is inherited or shows in families.
The legs are usually affected the most, followed by the arms, chest, back, and abdomen.
Very rarely, it affects the face.
If it is distressful, see your doctor. There can some “anti itching” drugs that can help.
Some Notable Comments from some persons that itch after taking their baths
Vincent Chinthomba Phiri
Each time a bath,at least 5 minus later my arms and legs itch. Most especially when it’s cold or raining.
But once a cover my hands or legs with something it immediately stops fast than without.
This is what happens to me too… Once I start feeling the itching sensation and I swiftly put on my clothes the itch subsides, if I pull of my clothes again and allow breeze on my skin the itching starts again… Used to think this is only peculiar to me.
Gracious Grace
Thank you sir! Have not been using sponge for a while now. Have been using hot water but after using the hot water for some days, the itching starts again(even with the hot water).
Thank you sir! Have not been using sponge for a while now. Have been using hot water but after using the hot water for some days, the itching starts again(even with the hot water).
Jokeh Rose
What about Constant throat itching and watery eyes?? Been taking loratadine for years as prescribed.
Million Faults
It happens to me when I bath with cold water. I use almost hot water to bath always.
Been battling with itchy skin after bathing longer than I can remember.However, visited several doctors but futile.I hv learn 2 live wit it.I noticed there are times and conditions that favours it.Other times I just enjoy.Immediately after bath,sit under the fan,rub off d water,seat in a warmer place.
I itch after bathing sometimes…I stopped using sponges for more than 2 decades now.
But I know what to blame…my mast cells.
I’ve had this since I was a teenager, it’s not pretty at all. Avoid dirty bathroom, it increases the itching, also dirty environment after bathing. Wear clean cotton fabric as well. God help us that are suffering from it, cos they itching can be mild or severeLoudly crying face
August Rush
I practically have urticaria and i hate the way it makes me feel…
You cant hold my wrist because the pressure makes it swell
My body itches me and when i itch, it swells or shows different thin lines until i moisturize…
Itching after bathing is my life story, esp my legs. It doesn’t happen all the time though, but I’ve been experiencing it since I was young.
Kenneth Kelvin
I always itch after bathing but I started using warm water about 2 weeks ago and it has stopped. I can bath now without being scaredSmiling face with smiling eyesSmiling face with smiling eyes
Change of towel is also a remedy.
Some towels can cause itch when over used.
Aisagbonhi Aikhuenmosefoh
Lol. I think we’re past the seeing a doctor stage, it has literally persisted all my life. I’m lucky it’s not that unbearable, and the quickest remedy for me is to apply body lotion.
Body Urge Secrets
I normally develop itchy skin after bathing. I thought i was in this alone Pleading facePleading face
When i was little I went to a hospital for it the doctor was laughing at me sef and it happens more during early morning bath or cold water bath.
Thread by Aproko Doctor
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