Poultry Drugs in Nigeria including vaccinations. Poultry vaccines in Nigeria.

This article is written in a unique way for you to understand, the author talked about poultry medications, vaccinations and diseases. The article also highlighted other important issues in birds rearing such as weight gain,egg production, poultry deworming,and nutritional supplements.

Please read:👇

Experiencing early chick mortality?
Brood with Interchemie antibiotics and Introvit, smile all the way.

Poultry drugs in Nigeria
Poultry medications in Nigeria

Are you having a drop in your egg production without a known cause? Try *Interseryl-WS*, the first aid drug.

Brood your birds with *AMINOGROW WS* 1-4weeks, boost them at weeks 8-12, and 14-18, you will sure be amazed at body weight gain and your egg production.

You can kill all the nematodes on your birds with a 2 day administration of the ogbonge *PIPERIN WS*.

*Introvit A+* , a combination of Amino acids and vitamins is the perfect & profitable multivitamin/ feed converter your poultry and livestock deserve.

Let your broilers achieve 2kg in 6 weeks and prepare your laying birds for optimum egg production from the onset with…

*Aminogrow WS*

What is Fowl Typhoid? we killed it by using *BIOVAC SGP 695* Vaccine from 2weeks and *Set Vac* before lay.

For one- hand stamp out of all coccidia stealing your profit, resort to *Amprolin 300WS, Amprocox WS or Intracox oral*.

For effective broiler growth, rapid weight gain, brood with *Aminogrow WS*: your best nutritional supplement

And when Gumboro knew I was using *IBAVAC ST* vaccine, he never came close.

Heat stress in your farm??

Feed during cooler parts of the day and go for *Introvit A+ and Megavit C*. You can go to sleep.

Kill the worms, kill them with *Interleva WS & Piperin WS. One day is enough.

Foot rot in your livestock farm, *Intrastrep* is there for you.

Stop all these respiratory wahala, get *Doxityl-200 WS, Norflox-200 WS etc*

Stamp out Salmonella, Slap E.Coli real hard with *Norflox -200, Ciprosol-200, Intergen-200, Intergendox WS* etc , your magic drugs for respiratory, gastrointestinal and urinary tract infections.

Piroplasmosis in your pet, *Introxin 50* is there for you. Who is piroplasma? Finish him.

Blood parasites strolling around? *Tryponil* is the police.

We parted ways with Newcastle the moment I start using *BIOVAC Lasota and ND-Olvac*

Egg syndrome?

*EDS-OLVAC* is good for your birds.

Layers laging behind in production? Why cry?
*Nemovit & Introvit A+* will see you through.

Endo and ecto- parasites? *Intermectin oral* is your sure remedy.

Cold and Catarrh dancing with your birds, chase them with *Doxityl and Norflox 200*.

And who is Fowl pox, when you vaccinate with *Vaoil Vac Vaccine*

Egg production stimulant, increased growth, improved FCR & effective vitamin supplement in times of stress and disease. *NEMOVIT WS*( the master egg formula)

Tylosin sensitive guys around your farm? *MACROLAN injection* all the way.

With *Introflor*, who is gram negative bacteria in your flock?

With *BIOVAC MAREKS*, Marek’s disease will go on exile forever.

*Intermectin Super*, the grand terminator of endo and ecto parasites.

Gram negative bacteria under siege with *Coli 4800*.

Gram negatives and gram positives in trouble with *Dimoxan, Intergendox, Intergen, Introflor, Coli 4800, Ciprosol and Norflox.*

*Intercillin*, Amoxicillin like never before: finishing all your bacteria, vaccination schedule for poultry in nigeria

*Intermectin pour on*, pour-on like no other.

Diarrhea in your flock? Go for *Intersulfa 333*

Inflammatory drama ends with *Glucortin injection.*

You can get these poultry drugs in Nigeria from designated distributors.

Article originally written by Usman Bello


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