10 sperm booster drugs in Nigeria (medicine to increase sperm count and volume)/best sperm booster drugs in Nigeria.
It is now a common knowledge that infertility is not only a female problem. Now that they have accepted that they play a critical part in getting a woman pregnant, men with medically proven low sperm count, watery sperm, or low sperm quality or morphology are in constant search for drugs that boost sperm globally..

Credit: Medical News Today
But are these drugs available? They do but doctors prescribed them off label to their patients just to boost their sperm count and semen production.
Below are some available sperm booster drugs in Nigeria.
1. Clomiphene (Clomid)
Yes, clomid is well known fertility drug for for females where it helps stimulate ovulation. But clomiphene has also been found to help stimulate testosterone production. Testosterone is very important in the production of spermatozoa and improving libido for sex. Testosterone is also use to treat azoospermia.. Some studies have shown that clomid helps thickens watery sperm.
2. Anastrozole (Arimidex)
This is a breast cancer medication that has found usefulness in the treatment of men with low sperm count. Its mechanism of action is that it prevents testosterone from being converted to estradiol in the body hence making testosterone available for sperm production and boosting.
Common some side effects of anastrozole are: nausea, vomiting, bone pains, fatigue, and cough. Though rare, side effects like cataracts, stroke, severe allergic skin reaction has been reported.
3. Q10
This is not your get on prescription but from foods and fruits. Some pharmaceuticals have on however, started making supplements of Q10. It has been shown to increase sperm count, sperm motility and improve the volume and quality of semen. Q10 has been shown to be effective in treating pyospermia – too much white cells in semen. No need to list them, most of the foods we consume daily contain Q10 co-enzyme.
4. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)
shocked right! Apart from using it to check for pregnancy in women, HCG has been proven to help stimulate the testes for sperm production and testerone production. It is available in Nigeria but not in our regular hospitals, HCG is a form of hormonal treatment for male infertility.
5. Zinc and Folic acid supplement
According to a report published on WebMd, researchers have discovered that men with fertility problems experience a significant boost in their sperm count after taking 5mg of folic acid a day and 66mg of zinc daily for 26 weeks with no side effects. Why not take some doses of folic acid and zinc supplements if you are battling with low sperm count.
PS: cancer patients should NOT take folic acid as it helps multiply and speed up cancer growth.
6. Bromocriptine (carbagoline)
Bromocriptine reduces prolactin level, a hormone that reduces testosterone production and sperm count. This may be prescribed for men who have sperm production impairment due to hyperprolactinemia.
7. Imipramine
Some men ejaculate into their bladder instead of into the penis – a condition known medically as retrograde ejaculation.. Men with retrograde ejaculation usually show false low sperm count from seminal fluid analysis. Imipramine is the drug of choice and treats retrograde ejaculation.
8. Letrozole
Obese men usually have low sperm count and fertility problems. Letrozole helps boost sperm production in men with obesity.
9. Exercise
Exercise is the silent and unsung hero that “cures” all ailments. Exercise increases reduces oxidative stress and increase testosterone level.
10. Sleep
Also a natural drug for sperm production nut under-estimated. A good sleep helps to stimulate testosterone levels in the body and improves sex libido…. Increase testosterone levels helps boost sperm count.
Selenium is a good sperm booster.
CAVEAT: The NIGERIAN HEALTH BLOG shall not be held liable for any abuse of these drugs…This is purely for your education. This article is not a substitute to seeing qualified medical doctor for the evaluation of any form of male infertility.
University of Utah
Featured Image: Medical News Today