What are the Nigerian foods for Diabetics? What should a Nigerian diabetic eat? What Nigerian foods should diabetes milletus patients avoid? Are there low sugar Nigerian diets for diabetics? What is the meal plan for diabetes patients?
This article also covers more than 50 Nigerian food ideas for diabetics….
Being diabetic is not easy especially in Nigeria. The main problem of being diabetic is knowing the right food combinations. For a Nigerian diabetic or an African diabetic, our diets contain a lot of sugar or starch. Our quest for Nigerian foods without sugar or low sugar could be arduous or at best confusing.
Nobody including health care providers have been able to successfully draft up a comprehensive Nigerian food timetable for diabetic patients. Also during consultions, Endocrinologists, because of their work load, almost always do not have time to sit with their patients for long in order to discuss a diabetic food plan.
Nigerian diabetics end up resorting to the internet for guidance and counselling on low sugar diet as evidenced by the following google searches below which I will try as much as possible to answer.
“Nigerian food timetable for diabetic patients”
“Nigerian foods without Sugar”
“Managing diabetics in Nigeria”
“African food for diabetes patient”
“List of foods for diabetic patients”
“Food recipes for diabetic patients”
“Best Nigerian foods for diabetic patients”
“List of Nigerian foods for diabetics”
“is fufu good for diabetes?”
“non starchy foods in nigeria”
“is wheat good for diabetics?”
“what are good carbs for a diabetic to eat”
Now to answer these queries, the underlying principles of diet management in diabetes is to: avoid sugary or starchy foods (low carbs diet), avoid fatty meals, eat plenty vegetables, eat fruits, run away from alcohol, flee from smoking, and drink plenty of water.
Comprehensive list of best Nigerian foods for diabetic patients
This list contain African or Nigerian foods that a diabetic should eat or avoid for better glycemic or sugar control.
- Bitter leaf soup is good for diabetic patients and helps reduce body sugar
- Water leaf soup contains low sugar
- Afang soup is very good for sugar control.
- Ewedu soup should be in your food plan
- Avoid yam or pounded yam. It contains too much sugar. Yam or pounded yam is not ideal for diabetics
- Egusi soup is a controversial meal for diabetics. While some recommend it, others believe it contains too much sugar. In my opinion, foods that are controversial are best avoided.
- Green leafy vegetables are perfect for you
- Amala from unripe plantain is highly recommended for diabetic patients.
- Unripe plantain must be in your menu
- Do not eat ripe plantain because it contains too much sugar.
- Avoid red meat
- Eat fish please-any type
- Do not eat cow intestines- “shaki”, ring, or “round about”
- Eat liver
- Kpomo or cowskin is good for you
- No beer
- No dry gin, liquor or spirits
- No coke
- No Fanta
- No Sprite
- No Seven Up
- No pepsi
- No Mirinda
- Youghurt should be in your meal plan
- Eat cocoyam or pound it for soup
- Please no sweet potatoes
- Irish potatoes is perfect for diabetics
- You can drink Amstel malt and only Amstel because of its low sugar Please avoid other malt drinks.
- Say no to Eba
- Eat sea foods
- Eat snails
- No buns, egg roll, meat pies or junks
- If you want to eat chicken 🐔 or turkey 🦃 please peel or the back skin before eating. Their skins contain a lot of fats.
- No smoking
- White soup is good
- Oha soup is perfect
- Eat rice but in very small amount
- Eat beans but in very amount
- For swallow, please eat wheat
- Do not eat any other bread 🍞 apart from wheat bread
- No sugar cane
- Take oranges
- Eat apples
- Do not eat mango because of its high glycemic index.
- Corn is good
- Irish Potato is good
- You can eat groundnut soup if you enjoy it
- Eat small bananas
- No spaghetti
- Tuwo shinkafa, and tuwo masara is good for diabetes
- Eat bush meat
- No sharwama
- Pap and milk with no sugar is OK
- Three Crowns Milk is the best for diabetics
- Small beans is OK but if it disturbs you stop eating
- You can eat tomato stew
- Do not eat starch please
- Banga soup is ok 👌 for diabetics
- Periwinkles are perfect for you
- Eat pepper soup with goat meat or fish
- Eat goat meat
- Semovita is good but low quantity
- Poundo yam is nice but low quantity
- Eat guava fruit
- Eat garden egg or igba
- You can eat quacker oats
- Eat plenty of vegetable soup
- Eat ofada rice, it has low glycemic index
- Soyabeans is good
- Eat Avocado pear
- No pineapple or in small quantities
- Eat water melon in small quantities
- Eat plenty of carrots
- Eat plenty of cucumbers
- Ogbono soup is good for sugar control
- Okra soup is recommended
- Eat shrimps or crayfish
- Eat millet (Joro)
- Drink Kunu
- Drink dawa (guinea corn)
- You can eat cow leg
- Nkwobi
- Eat walnuts
- Eat tiger nuts (Hausa groundnuts)
- Eat coconut
- Wheatmeal swallow
- Zobo is good
- Eat Akara balls
- Eat chicken gizzard
- Agidi
- Isi ewu in small quantities
- Chop onions
- A little of water yam is ok
- Moi moi
- Eat spinach
- Avoid any kind of butter
- No energy drinks
- Don’t eat cakes, chocolates
- Eat eggs but reduce the quantity. At most 2 eggs a week if you want to eat at all
- Use vegetable oil to cook
- Take fruits juices with low sugar
- Edikan Ikong
- Cabbage
- Fibre biscuits is ok
- Oatmeal
- Garlic
- Ginger supplements in food
- Avoid refined sugar or sugar of any type
- No macaroni or spaghetti, too starchy
- Black soup is perfect for diabetics. It reduces blood sugar and good for glycemic control.
- Okporoko stock fish is recommended for diabetics.
- No herbal concoctions please
- Take soursop fruit
- African almond (Agbalomo) is good for diabetes patients
- A little of banga rice please
- African pear( small small pear) is good for you
- You can eat fuku (cow lungs)
- Cow tongue is good
- Eat cow penis or testis
- Do not eat tapioca
- Add uziza and utazi to your diet. . They help lower blood sugar.
- Bitter leaf soup…is cool
- Take little akamu with honey
- Guinea corn is good for diabetes
- Fruits for diabetic patients in Nigeria: apples, avocadoes, tomatoes, soursop, grapefruit, garden eggs, blackberries, peaches, plums, oranges, figs, cherries, raisins, strawberries, blackberries,
- As a diabetic, do not eat fruits like water melon, pineapple, dates, pawpaw, mango, banana because of their high glycemic index and can spike your blood sugar to high levels.
- Eat groundnut
- A diabetic can drink ijebu garri…..yes a diabetic can eat garri but not eba sha.
- Semovita
- Eat tiger nuts
- Semolina
As a diabetic, eat but with moderation, feel free to say no when offered food especially high carbohydrates diet in parties, from friends or family 👪 . Take charge of your health.

Are there any suggestions or contributions on Nigerian foods for diabetics? Please leave a comment.
Bless you great for this comprehensive list.
Already stated in the article. Please go through it.
Regards! The best advice for diabetics is for them to determibe the meals that are best for them. I realised that wheat bread, green plantain and green plantain flour raises some patients sugar level very high. Recommended is very little quantity of food whenever you must eat, sleep very well and do a lot of exercises. To know the best meal for you, measue your sugar level one hour after every meal. Might sound expensive but this is the right route to go.
thanks for this feedback.
But y d beans should be in small quantity.thanks
So as not to elevate your sugar.
God bless you for this eye opening I have been searching for this for a long time thank you so much.
Pls , can u prepare a food timetable for Diabetic patients. I am an average Nigerian.
Goodmorning, food time-table is no longer in vogue for diabetics. Just eat moderately and appropriately.
Thank you
Thanks so much sir. Tuwo shinkafa is made from rice while tuwo masara is made from maize flour, I thought diabetic patients are to avoid these tuwo. God bless you.
No. Just eat moderately. Moderation is key for diabetics.
Very very helpful. Thanks a lot
you said no yam or pounded yam in no.5 and said small pounded yam in no.63.
can an ulcer diabetic take amstel malt and beans?
That may be a type… It will be corrected.
Ulcer patients should avoid beans and carbonated drinks until they have been fully treated.
Am aghast about tapioka, in preparing we always soak it overnight to remove the starch before eating
Please sweet potato is better than irish. They have almost same amount of carbohydrates. However, sweet potato has more fibre and lower glycemic index which makes it a better choice. Pick whole wheat foods or grains (E.g whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta), brown rice.
In short, no food is bad. It is just the type and amount that matters.
You said eat cocoyam or pound it for soup? Is cocoyam not a startchy food/ carbohydrate? If the answer is no.. can we pound cocoyam and eat it like pounded yam?
Endocrinologists said cocoyam is good for diabetes because of its low carb content campared to others…You can pound it and use it to it soup.
Thanks.sir my husband is a diabetic for three years now with the measurement of 550 sugar level.he hardly eat but likes corn,agidi,akamu and cornpouded in large amount.please is it right meal
550mg/dl or 5.5mmol/l …..? 550mg/dl of sugar is too high…is he on his diabetic drugs? See a doctor please.
Sadly I’ve been diabetic for a while and didn’t know. Started peeing and drinking much daily, googled the symptoms it took me straight to diabetes. Got the Glucometer tested and I was at 309mg/dl few hours after eating (spaghetti), that prompted me to check my HbA1c and it was 10.4 my doctor and family screamed.
But I’m on drugs and dieting now hopefully it crashes down soon! With the list of foods I would definitely be watchful.
Thank you so much for this piece. I’ve being yearning for a Nigerian model of the recommended foods and fruits for diabetics. Please continue to update us on this blog.
But let me mention that the wheat meal you recommended was a complete disaster for me when I tried it sometime ago. My entire system was so destabilized until I stopped it.
Again, can I eat garri (eba) at least once a day because I’m so used to it?
Thanks and God bless.
Welcome. If wheat is not good for you, try another swallow.
I like this site, and I have learned alot.
Pls My mom have FBS results jst last week, wt 148 mg/dl.
Is it high or normal.
She likes taking tea & bread.
But our swallow here is mainly Eba.
Can she still take them ?
A fasting blood sugar of 148mg/dl is high. Normal range for FBS is 70 -110mg/dl. Is she taking her drugs?
She should stop taking tea and bread for now. She can eat wheat bread though. Eba is a no no for now.
eba is allowd,but it have to be taken with lot of vegetable soup or the soup will contain fibre to slow down the spike of the sugar.portion control is the keyword.
Thank you for the information. But to help caregivers of diabetic parents, a food time table will go a long way especially as one is juggling work, family and taking care of diabetic parent. Please kindly help with one.
Thank you
please what about snacks? like pastries or anything else
It is not advisable for diabetics to take snacks or pastries.
Thanks for this
Thank you for the article. It is very helpful. But I believe tapioca is good for diabetic because the processes reduces the starch content.
Udomoh, many thanks for this article. I have been searching for such and found this very useful. Keep up the good work. Also, is Loya powdered milk advisable for Diabetic patient?
Well…. I don’t advise other brands of milk.. Three Crowns is advisable for diabetics. Most endocrinologists recommended it.
Is so wonderful to have a list of what’s good for diabetic patients. I was wondering if you could help me with a similar list but for DRC ( Congolese) patient as we also have different diet. Some of the food you’ve listed have names that are in Nigerian language. Therefore is difficult to understand. Thanks and I hope to hear from you soon.
Will look into this
Thanks for the information
Mostly for high blood sugar(diabetes) what you mostly need is a change of diet and exercise a lot. Avoid food that are high in carbohydrates and even if you have to eat them eat moderately but mix them with vegetables like spinach, broccoli, bitter leaf, collard green, etc. I cannot overemphasized on regular exercise. With exercise you do not need medication especially for type 2 diabetes.
Please can diabetic person eat kpokpo garri?
Yes, a diabetic can eat Kpokpo garri but it must be with moderation. Thank you
What can a diabetic patient with ulcer eat and avoid ? What can a Diabetic patient with an extensive wound eat and do so that wound can heal faster.
Eat these listed foods in the article. If you have a diabetic ulcer… See a doctor for active management
Thanks for the exhaustive list. It was quite helpful. Please what is the difference between conventional pounded yam and paundo yam because I noticed that you advised against ponded yam/yam but recommended paundo yam.
Thank you for the beautiful advice at least one in this condition now has a meal plan. Thanks for the encouragement
Too many contradictions.
Sweet potato is always recommended over Irish potato because if the lower GI of the former. You can’t discourage eating yam or pounded yam and encourage poundo yam. Pounded yam or yam has more fibre over poundo yam( processed yam flour)
Goaty meat is classified as red meat but moderate consumption can be tolerated i guess
And cocoyam may not be advisable because it has higher GI than yam.
Too many contradictions.
Sweet potato is always recommended over Irish potato because of the lower GI of the former. You can’t discourage eating yam or pounded yam and encourage poundo yam. Pounded yam or yam has more fibre over poundo yam( processed yam flour)
Goaty meat is classified as red meat but moderate consumption can be tolerated i guess
And cocoyam may not be advisable because it has higher GI than yam.
Thanks for this wonderful article. My mum is diabetic as well as being an ulcer patient, she can hardly walk around as a result of being too tired, is there any food combination for such patient?
See a doctor about her diabetes . Is her sugar controlled