PCOS Treatment and Diet in Nigeria including natural treatment of PCOS.


Polycystic ovarian syndrome generally affects women of childbearing age, and studies have shown that PCOS is responsible for 70% cause of infertility in women. The good news, however is that PCOS can be treated naturally.

PCOS Treatment and Diet in Nigeria including natural treatment of PCOS
PCOS Treatment and Diet in Nigeria including natural treatment of PCOS.

What is PCOS?

It’s an endocrine disorder of the female ovary associated with hormonal imbalance (hyperandrogenism); insulin resistance, acne, hirsutism, high blood sugar level, irregular periods or lack of ovulation.

What Actually Causes PCOS?

A recent study done in Lagos University teaching hospital revealed a class of Androgen known as 11 – oxygenated c19 steroids, as the major contributor to hyperandrogenism (excess androgen) in women living with polycystic ovarian syndrome.
And so, when the female abnormally secrets excess androgen, this leads to hormonal imbalance and spiral into a cascade of symptoms such as acne, insulin resistance, irregular menstrual periods and absence of ovulation.

Common Causes of PCOS:

➡️Genetic predisposition (hereditary)
➡️High-stress level (cortisol)
➡️Endocrine-disrupting chemicals exposure
➡️Hyperinsulinemia (high level of insulin)
➡️Poor food choices (high glycemic index food)
➡️Chronic inflammation

Symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Prior to treating polycystic ovarian syndrome using natural approaches, identifying the symptoms of PCOS and also performing a pelvic ultrasound scan is of paramount importance and supports in ensuring a proper and definitive diagnosis.

Common Signs and Symptoms of PCOS:

1. Excess Androgen:

There’s increased levels of androgen with features such as alopecia, excess facial and body hairs known as hirsutism.

2. Irregular menstrual periods:

This is the commonest symptom of PCOS and results to prolong menstrual period for more than 35 days, or the inability to menstruate for 4 months or longer.

3. Polycystic ovaries (fluid-filled cysts):
There is a multiple of fluid-filled sacs visualized on the ovaries, which is a strong clinical indication for identifying PCOS in a reproductive-age woman.
Others Common Symptoms of PCOS:

4. Obesity: There is weight gain due to insulin resistance and the inability of the body to make use of available glucose.

5. Acne: This is due to the circulating excess androgen

6. Infertility: Due to androgen resulting to absence of ovulation and miscarriage, as a result of low or deficient progesterone hormone secretion.

7. Depression (mood changes)

8. Low sex drive (poor libido)

9. High cholesterol (could lead to heart diseases)

10. Recurrent miscarriage

11. Acanthosis Nigricans (dark spots under the armpits, neck etc.)
12. Heavy menstrual bleeding
13. Risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes mellitus
14. High risk of developing heart disease

Ways to Treat Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Naturally:

Usually, doctors routinely prescribe medications like Metformin to reduce blood sugar level by increasing insulin sensitivity to cell receptors and Clomid to unnaturally induce ovulation, respectively, without addressing the root causes of PCOS.

Although this intervention has worked and helped a handful of couples to conceive, however, recent findings have shown that subjecting the female ovary to several cycles of Clomiphene Citrate comes with adverse effects that reduces the quantity and quality of a woman’s cervical mucus and thins the womb lining owning to its anti-estrogenic effects.

When a woman does not secret the alkaline-rich cervical mucus which occurs towards ovulation, this will result difficulty in falling pregnant, as this special fluid is very necessary for transporting the male sperm cells into the womb and fallopian tubes for a good chance at conception.

Natural Treatment Intervention for PCOS:

1. Eat Foods with low Glycemic Index:
PCOS is a disorder of the endocrine system with a cascade of symptoms and insulin resistance, going on a diet with a low GI will help prevent sudden sugar spike.

The amount of carbohydrate intake should be in a lesser proportion taken alongside with a high protein diet (1:3 ratio) to allow for slow absorption and metabolism of sugar.

Examples of food with low glycemic index (low sugar):

Also cut off poor food choices laden with artificial sweeteners, preservatives and saturated oil, such as:
➡️Corn syrup
➡️White potatoes
➡️Starchy foods
➡️Packaged and processed foods
➡️Hydrogenated and refined vegetable oils (soybean, sunflower, corn)
➡️Common sensitivity, dairy products, and gluten

2. Eliminate Chemical Toxins by Detoxifying:
Toxins are endocrine-disrupting chemicals we get from consuming processed and packaged foods; of use personal care products, inhaling contaminated and drink of chemically-polluted water etc. Endocrine disruptive chemicals interfere with the production, release, transport, metabolism or elimination of the body’s natural hormones. They do so by binding to tissues cell receptors thereby mimicking the action of the normal hormones leading to disruption in the normal endocrine activities.

Examples of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals:
➡️Dry cleaning chemicals (chlorine)
➡️Bisphenol-A (used in lining can foods)
➡️Phthalates (used in making plastics)

The effective way to eliminate the above chemicals toxins Endocrine disruptive chemicals is by doing a fertility cleanse or detoxification, a natural blend of phytonutrients and high potent antioxidants that help to mop up these chemicals out of the body for elimination.

3. Eat High Nutrient Diets:

Foods high in nutrients are essentially needed to treat PCOS naturally and improve the associated symptoms. The goal of these nutrients is to introduce vital minerals and vitamins to boost your immune health and combat ongoing inflammatory activities due to stress and insulin resistance.

Foods rich in nutrients are:
Green veggies (kale, spinach etc.)
Essential fatty acids (avocado, coconut oil, olive oil etc.)
Nuts (chia, hemp, almonds, walnuts)

4. Reduce Stress:

Polycystic ovarian syndrome natural treatment focuses on stress management via the mind-body connection approach. Stress as a hallmark symptom of PCOS due to excess secretion of cortisol hormone which worsens the condition by causing inflammatory and hormonal imbalance.

To effectively address the issue of stress the following therapies are recommended:
➡️Yoga exercise
➡️Mindful meditation
➡️Adequate sleep (for cell generation and hormone production)
➡️Adaptogen Herb (plant-based remedy for stress reduction)

5. Weight Loss:

Most PCOS sufferers are overweight, this is, as a result of poor insulin absorption and high circulating cortisol both leading to excessive weight gain.
The best ways you can manage your weight and burn off excess pounds is through physical exercise which aids insulin absorption and sensitivity across your cell receptors.
However, too much exercise or high-intensity exercise should be avoided to prevent stress-induced inflammation.

6. Herbal Remedy Support (go natural):

The ultimate goal for treating PCOS effectively is to reduce blood glucose due to insulin resistance; restore hormonal imbalance (androgen) and achieve a regular ovulation. Adaptogens has been found very effective in achieving these objectives by working in harmony and supporting your body to naturally restore hormonal imbalance and correct insulin sensitivity gently.

Most importantly, avoiding the root causes or risk factors for developing PCOS is of paramount importance, as the symptoms of PCOS can still recur even after a successful treatment if you further indulge in lifestyle habits or eat unhealthy food choices that could aggravate PCOS symptoms.

This article on PCOS treatment and diet in Nigeria is wholly the intellectual property of Free Health Services a health platform on Facebook.

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