How long does Postinor 2 or postpill last in the body?
A lady writes to find out how long postinor 2 last in the body.
Her message;
Hello good morning nimedhealth family. I am Tope (not real name) writing from Lagos Nigeria. Please I just want to find out something about postinor 2 and also postpill. If I take postinor 2 like say immediately after unprotected sex or a day after unprotected intercourse , and the postinor takes effect, how long will the postinor last in my body before the body breaks it down and excrete it…? How long does Postinor 2 or postpill last in the body? Is it 24hours, 2 says? 3 days ? or one week?
I need a reply please.
My response:
This is a one of the most frequently asked questions questions about postinor 2 and even its equivalent postpill. Usually, the reason many ladies and even guys ask this question is to find out if there is need to take another dose (a whole new dose of postinor 2 again) of postinor especially if another unprotected sex happens again let’s say the 3rd or 4th day ….They want to know if the postinor 2 they took like say 3 days ago (say Monday) when they had unprotected sex will “cover them” on the 4th day (say Thursday) if an another unprotected intercourse occurred.

It is important for you to know that postinor 2 last about 5 days that is , 120 hours in the body before the liver and kidneys will excrete it via the urine and faeces. That postinor 2 or postpill or other morning after pills last for that long in the body does not mean it covers your next unprotected sex….the postinor 2 you took today will not cover you next unprotected sex please. If you know you are that sexually active as a woman, please seek other more long lasting methods of contraception because morning after pills will fail you some day if not soonest.
READ ALSO: Light Bleeding after taking Postinor 2? See why
Summary of this whole write-up;
How long can you wait before you take the morning after pill? And how long does postinor 2 or postpill last in the body?
✅You should take it as soon as possible.
✅Emergency contraception (AKA the morning-after pill) works up to five days (120 hours) after unprotected sex.
✅But the sooner you take it, the better it works.
✅You don’t need to wait until the next day, and it definitely doesn’t have to be taken in the morning, either.
I hope I have answered your questions. Thank you.
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Comment:pls if a lady take d postinor2 is she goin to vomit,or will blood come out from her virgina?or is she goin to feel sick?an again hw many times is she goin to tk d pills
What you described her her possible side effects of postinor. Take the pill once if it comes as a single dose.
What if its two dose
12 hours apart
Good morning I took postinur2 yesterday morning and had unprotected sex again yesterday evening is it advisable to take another dose,pls it’s urgent.thankd
If one had unprotected sex 6th and took postinor 2 on 7th and have another unprotected sex again on 10th is safe
Please I unprotected sex everyday and I use postpill everyday. Is it good
No. You cannot be taking postpill everyday….it is bad.
Pls I did unprotected sex 3days ago and took postinor2 that same day and had unprotected sex again the next day. Is it advisable to take another pill again.
No….but the last one won’t help you prevent pregnancy.
So it means if I had unprotected sex yesterday night and took postinor same yesterday night and then I had another unprotected sex this night, I should not take postinor again? But I can get pregnant from the second unprotected sex?
Please help clarify, it’s urgent
I took postpill after unprotected sex. Then had sex again 2hrs later. Pls will the drug still be effective or do I need to take another one?
It’s urgent plsss
Please I had unprotected sex and I took postinor 2 and I saw my period last month but this month I did not see my period those that means am pregnant
Do a pregnancy test
I had unprotected s.ex two days ago I took postpill,still had another one that day and next and on monday,
Is there need to take another postpill
It won’t help you
I had unprotected sex on Tuesday last week and take postinor2 on Friday, can it protect pregnancy
Yes…but always take immediately. Works better that way
Please I meet with my man on fist day of my menstruation please can I take postinor 2
If I had unprotected sex yesterday morning by 2:00 at night and I took postinor 2 that same day evening and I also had unprotected sex again the next day morning by 2 again, is it safe or should I take another postinor 2??
No….look for a long term contraceptive options please
Hello.. my gf have taken postpil ytd evening and till next morning, she still doesn’t have any side effects.. is that normal? Does the pill works?
Not every lady develop side effects when she take postinor
Hi. It’s been long but let me give you an example. I had unprotected sex but he claimed he didn’t released in me. But I always want to be careful so I took postinor 2 the next morning. Few days later I had my period which always lasted for 5 days. The same month again I had sex but this time he released in me. Now am 3 months pregnant. What is confusing there is that, I went for scan early June and the scan said I was 10 weeks and 4 days pregnant whereas it was only April I didn’t see my period. That was when I knew I was pregnant. So my question is, is it possible to get pregnant that night I had unprotected sex even after using postinor 2 the next early morning. And he kept telling me he never released in me.
Please I had unprotected sex on Saturday night and took postinor 2 the next day in the afternoon…Like I used the two tablets in d pack once??
Is it effective??
Yes….take earlier and as instructed next time
Please I had an unprotected sex on my ovulation day and took postinor2 and had another unprotected sex the next day, should I take another pill?
Can someone get pregnant when she have sex 1hour after taking postpill
Abuse of postpill..
If I took postinor 2 on the 6th day of my cycle that is 2days post menstruation and I always ovulate around day 14th.will it still delay my ovulation?
Postinor delay menstruation for many women irrespective of when you took it.
If one used postinor in the morning and had another unprotected sex in the night do I have to take another or I’m still safe?
You are abusing postinor
Pls I had unprotected sex yesterday and took postinor2 the next day and had another one that night again.Do I have to take another postinor2
My girlfriend took Lydia post pill-1 yesterday evening around 10 p.m. after unprotected sex. And had another again around 1 in the afternoonn the following day. Is it advisable to take another post pill or not?
Hi please I had unprotected secz and took postinor 2 and had se..x again almost immediately should I take another postinor..thank you for your response in advance
Don’t do that again.
Pls I had se**x on Friday night and took postpill Saturday morning and I had another s**x on Sunday afternoon is it advisable to take another pill 💊 or the one I took before will cover me up
Thank for the reply in advance
Pls i had unprotected sex yesterday night and i took post pill this morning, also have another unprotected sex this night,is there need to take another pill this night..
Hello Udomoh. I had an unprotected sex on Saturday been 26th of August 2023 then to postinor 2 on Sunday evening around 6pm. Then had another sex on Tuesday please is there any possibility that the drug I took is still active in my body.
Please I had unprotected sex on Tuesday night,took postinor 2 on Wednesday morning and had an unprotected sex that same Wednesday night…. Will I get pregnant?