Side Effects and Health benefits of persica seed.
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The general name of the Persica plant is known as Salvadora persica or Salvadora oleiodes. Gotten from the toothbrush tree, it comes from the family of Salvadoraceae. With the tree being a native of Persia, its origin can be traced to India, Sri Lanka. In Hindu, it is called arak, bada peelu, peelu or pilu. However, it is popularly known as “Meswak”.
Salvadora persica has analgesic and antihelminthic properties. It contains lauric acid, palmitic acid, trimethylamine, sitosterol and myristic acid. The persica plant has bitter, sweet and acrid taste. Salvadora persica is warm and slimy in nature. The parts mainly used for are barks, fruit, seed, fruit and root bark.
For the purpose of this article, the focus will be on the side effects and health benefits of the Persica seed.
Health Benefits of Persica seed
Persica seed can be used to cure various ailments and conditions.
Here’s a list of some of them.
Treat rheumatism:
To treat cases of rheumatism and arthritis, directly apply the seed oil to the affected area. It can be applied over the joints or parts of the body affected with inflammation and pain.
The leaves of the Persica plant can also be applied over the affected body parts to ease the pain.
Treat respiratory issues:
Respiratory issues like sinutis, cold, flu and rhinitis can be treated through the use of Persica seed powder.
The other parts of the plants such as the leaves, root are highly beneficial and can be used for the following:

Treat cough:
The decoction of the leaves can be used to treat cough.
Care for dental caries:
Salvadora persica has analgesic properties and hence can be used for to relieve toothaches. Persica seed can act as an ayurvedic herb for tooth cleaning. However, the tender twigs can be used as toothbrush.
Treat snake bites:
In cases of snake bites, the root and barks can be grounded into paste and applied on the affected area (snake bite) to ease pains and inflammation.
Relief dysmenorrhea:
The extracts of the fruits and root can be used to ease off dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) symptoms and difficulty in urination.
Prevent constipation:
Consumption of ripe persica fruits can help keep constipation at bay as well as allow for easy passage of bowels.
For treatment of skin diseases like ringworm, eczema:
Asides the application of Persica seed oil, you can also apply the paste of the leaves over the affected skin area.
Treat piles:
The leaves paste can also be used to treat piles by applying the paste over the external pile mass.
Persica and Fertility
Persica seed is believed to help boost fertility, ovulation, and increase chances of conception. Persica seed also relieve menstrual cramps and boost sperm production.
How to use persica seed for weight loss
Tea a tea cup made from the root or bark of salvadora persica tea morning and evening plus exercise for your weight loss and flat tummy.
Persica Salvadora seed For infection?
Yes. Persica seed, called aworoso in yoruba language, has antibacterial and antifungal properties so can be effective against infection.
Side effects of Persica seed
Individuals suffering from digestive issues such as diarrhea are strongly advised not to consume the fruits as doing otherwise may worsen condition. Meanwhile, there isn’t any recorded negative effects from the use of persica seed yet.
Stella-maris Achumba