Top 10 health benefits of eating eggs
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I eat 7 eggs every morning.
Here are 10 surprising reasons you need to eat this “superfood”:
Eating eggs has helped me avoid:
• obesity
• inflammation
• heart disease
• low muscle mass
If you’d like to do the same, keep reading to learn 10 surprising effects of eggs on your brain & body:
1. Eggs are good for your cholesterol
One egg has 212 mg of cholesterol…
But, the ratio of good cholesterol (HDL) to “bad” cholesterol (LDL) is what really matters.
Evidence suggests eggs can actually improve your cholesterol profile.
Why are eggs good for cholesterol?
Eggs makes HDL go up while making LDL particles bigger (which are thought to be less dangerous than small particles).
So, now that you know eggs don’t ruin your cholesterol, here are 9 other surprising effects of eating eggs…
2. Eggs are great for your brain.
Eggs contain choline, an important nutrient that regulates:
• Mood
• Memory
• Muscle control
A U.S. diet survey found that over 90% of Americans eat less than the daily recommended amount of choline.

3. High omega-3 profile.
These healthy fats help prevent:
• Arthritis
• Osteoporosis
• Heart disease
• Alzheimer’s disease
Eggs are one of the most powerful ‘smart drugs’ out there.
4. Eggs lower inflammation
Eggs are have vitamin D, which reduces inflammation.
Lower inflammation has many health benefits, like:
• Lower risk of cancer
• Reduced risk of heart disease
• Improved ability to break down fat
Increase your egg intake to lower inflammation.
5. Eggs boost your immune system
1 large egg contains 22% of your recommended dose of selenium.
This antioxidant lowers oxidative stress in your body, which reduces inflammation and enhances immunity.
6. Eggs increase your energy
1 large fried egg has almost 18% of your daily value of vitamin B2.
B2 is 1 of 8 B vitamins that help turn food into energy.
Because of this, eggs are perfect for all day long-lasting energy.
Eat some eggs before grabbing that 4th cup of coffee.
7. Eggs help with anxiety
Eggs are one of the top food sources rich in lysine.
1 egg contains around 455 milligrams of lysine.
Studies show, lysine reduces the stress hormone, cortisol, thus decreasing chronic anxiety.
8. Eggs are fat loss food
Eggs have such high-quality protein that they’re used as the standard for all other protein sources.
It’s also one of the most satiating foods.
High satiation = You feel full.
Feeling full = Far less likely to overeat.
9. Eggs support eye health
Eggs have 2 antioxidants with powerful effects for your eyes:
1) Lutein
2) Zeaxanthin
These significantly reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.
(They only exist in the yolks).
10. Eggs improve bone + teeth health
Eggs contain vitamin D.
Vitamin D supports bone health by aiding the absorption of calcium.
Calcium = Crucial component in strong bones and teeth.
BONUS: Eggs reduce your risk of heart disease
It’s commonly thought that eggs increase risk heart disease.
But the opposite is true.
Eggs contain HDL particles, which can remove fat molecules from artery walls.
Leading to a healthier + stronger heart.
10 reason I eat 7 eggs a day:
• Improved skin
• Reduced anxiety
• Increased energy
• Lower inflammation
• Improved eye health
• Better brain function
• Better immune system
• Fat loss + gain muscle
• Improved bone + teeth health
• Reduced risk of heart disease
CREDIT: JACKBLY @TheJackBly Wrote this