Side Effects and Health Benefits of Guinea Corn including Red and White Guinea corn. White and red guinea corn which is more nutritious? Health benefits of sorghum.
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Guinea Corn, also known as Sorghum is a whole grain usually grounded into flour for use. Guinea Corn can be used to make varieties such as: pastries, pancakes, bread, and porridge.
This article will contain nutritional facts, types, health benefits and side effects of guinea corn. In addition, the differences between guinea corn and maize will be discussed.
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Nutritional Facts of Guinea Corn
Guinea corn is a highly nutritious product. They contain nutrients such as Vitamins, Fiber, Minerals, Phytonutrients, Magnesium and Protein. Guinea corn is also rich in other nutrients such as Potassium, Iron, Vitamins B, Copper etc. Another thing to note about this Sorghum based diet is that it is a good source of energy. Due to all these nutrients contained in it, it steadily generates energy usable by the body.
A cup equivalent to 192g of raw sorghum grain (Guinea corn) includes:
632g of Calories
138g of Carbohydrates
12g of fiber
20g of Protein
7g of fat
6mg of Iron
317mg of Magnesium
697mg of Potassium
3mg of Zinc
555mg of Phosphorus
3mg of Manganese
25mg of Calcium
What are the health benefits of Guinea Corn?
👉Reduces the Risk of Colorectal Cancer: Most grains are known to contain fibers. Guinea corn contain fibers that help promote colon health and decrease the risk of colorectal cancer.
👉Improves Digestive Health: The high amount of fiber in Guinea corn helps boost digestive health, and prevents digestive issues such as bloating, constipation and diarrhea.
👉Helps Lower levels of Bad Cholesterol: Bad Cholesterol (LDL) can prove harmful to health, as they increase the risk of cardiovascular issues like stroke, heart attack etc. Consumption of guinea corn can help reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and increase good cholesterol levels.

👉Helps with Weight Loss: Guinea corn have low glycemic index, this means that it helps in slow absorption of food; thereby, giving a feeling of satiety. This means that you get full easily and this can help prevent unhealthy eating.
👉Improves the functioning of the Body and Brain: Guinea corn contains magnesium that helps improve the functioning of the brain and body. It helps with protein synthesis, nerve and muscle functioning.
👉It offers a safe food source for individuals with celiac disease: Persons with celiac disease can consume guinea corn as it is a safe alternative to other grains. It is gluten free. Guinea
👉Regulation of Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure: Other major health benefits of Guinea corn are that it helps regulate your blood sugar and blood pressure levels.
What are the different types of Guinea Corn?
There are basically two major types of guinea corn. They include:
White Guinea Corn
Red Guinea Corn
Yellow Guinea Corn
What is the difference between White and Red Guinea Corn?
The difference is visibly clear. It is in the color. White guinea corn is white in colour whilst red guinea corn is red in colour. Both white and red guinea corn has similar health benefits.
What are the benefits of White Guinea Corn?
👉Protects the body: Consumption of white guinea corn helps protect the body. Guinea corn contains anti-oxidants that help fight off free radicals that could prove harmful to health.
👉Prevents Diseases of the Heart: White guinea corn contains fat and lipids that help with cholesterol absorption, synthesis, and excretion. This helps regulate cholesterol levels in the body thereby preventing the risks of heart diseases that can be caused due to excess cholesterol levels.
👉Prevents Constipation: White guinea corn contains fiber (dietary) in significant proportion. This fiber helps improve the functioning of the digestive system; thereby, preventing digestive problems like constipation, diarrhea and bloating.
Helps Prevents Obesity: Guinea corn can give a feeling of satiety; thereby, reducing binge eating.
What are the benefits of Red Guinea Corn?
👉Prevents the risk of Cancer: Red Guinea Corn is a good source of dietary fiber, this can help prevent the risk of cancer growth in the colon and other areas like the breast.
👉Promotes Bone Health: Red Guinea corn contains magnesium in high amount that helps with calcium absorption into the body. As you know, calcium is essential for bone development, and can prevent the risk of developing bone diseases like Osteoroposis and arthritis.
👉Reduces the risk of Anaemia: Anaemia is a deficiency caused by lack of adequate blood in the body. This lack of blood is caused by lack of an essential nutrient known as Iron. Lack of Iron can lead to anaemia, fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath and more. However, when you consume red guinea corn, you prevent or reduce the risk of getting these conditions including anemia.
What is the difference between Maize and Guinea Corn?
Maize and Guinea corn are both the same. No difference at all. What distinguishes the two are their region. Guinea corn is the common term used in North America; whereas, Maize is commonly used by people in the UK and other parts of the globe.
Can Diabetes patients take Guinea Corn?
You may wonder if its healthy enough for Diabetes patients to consume Guinea corn. Yes, it is. Guinea corn has a glycemic index of 52, which is termed low and safe for persons with high blood sugar levels. Therefore, guinea corn is safe and healthy for diabetes patients, as it helps keep blood sugar levels under control.
What are the benefits of Guinea Corn to Babies?
Guinea corn is one of the first weaning foods usually given to babies, this is mostly particular in Nigeria. It is not only beneficial to adults, but also to babies.
Let’s get to know some of these benefits:
👉Guinea corn helps serve as a source of energy to babies as they contain vitamins and protein in sufficient amounts.
👉They contain nutrients such as protein, fats and carbohydrates required by babies for healthy growth.
👉Guinea corn helps with weight gain in babies, as regular consumption can help increase calories amount in babies; thereby, increasing weight and size of the baby at the same time.
👉Common digestive problems like diarrhea can be gotten rid off with this sorghum diet. Lastly, it can help protect the overall health of your baby.
What are the benefits of Guinea Corn Leaf?
👉The leaf of Guinea corn can provide the following benefits to the body:
Promotes bone and Heart health: Guinea corn leaf contains essential nutrients like magnesium good for both the heart and the bone. In addition, it helps develop bones and prevents heart and bone diseases like Osteoporosis, and arthritis.
👉Helps Prevent Diabetes: The leaf of guinea corn is known to have low glycemic index, that is to say, if consumed, doesn’t increase the sugar levels in the blood. This is safe and healthy for consumption by diabetes patients and for non-diabetes patients too, as the risk of having diabetes is prevented.
👉Helps prevent Cancer: Guinea corn leaf is known to contain tannin, which helps inhibit the growth of abnormal cells and prevents cancers such as breast and colon cancer.
👉Has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties: Guinea Corn leaf has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties that help protect and enhance health as well as prevent inflammations and diseases.
👉It controls Cholesterol absorption, synthesis and excretion: Thereby, improving cardiovascular health and preventing diseases that could affect the heart.
What side effects can Guinea Corn cause?
👉It can cause adverse effects for persons at risk of gastrointestinal diseases: Guinea corn is highly rich in fiber and therefore not recommended for people at risk of having gastrointestinal diseases, as it can trigger conditions like diarrhea, bloating, constipation, stomach aches/cramps, intestinal sensitivities and allergies etc.
👉It can cause allergies: Allergies such as shortness of breath, swelling of the lips, eyes, tongue and face, and itchy red rash can arise as a result of allergy to guinea corn or any of its products.
👉It can cause Gastro-intestinal issues in Pregnant Women: Women who tend to switch up diets during and after their pregnancy period, can end up coming down with gastro-intestinal issues. For instance, a woman who switches from taking guinea corn or any other sorghum diet to rice can have a likelihood of having gastro-intestinal problems like constipation or diarrhea. So, if you consume guinea corn before pregnancy, please stick with it. Switching up can predispose you to gastro-intestinal problems.
Stella-maris Achumba
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