UK Pathway for Indian doctors and Pakistan doctors – How Indian & Pakistan doctors Migrate to UK for practice and work.
Some Queries and Questions About UK Pathway for indian and pakistani doctors 💊💉
👉Can I go to UK without any exams after my MBBS?
I wish you could but unfortunately no, you cannot. 😕
👉 Which pathway is most commonly used by Doctors to go to UK?
Most of the doctors in Pakistan and India prefer PLAB route because it is easier and cheaper.
👉 What is PLAB?
It’s a licensing exam. It will enable you get a license to practice in the UK and then apply for jobs. It has two parts; Part 1 is conducted in Pakistan 4 times a year. Part 2 is conducted in Manchester only almost throughout year.
👉 What I need to do before PLAB?
Clear your English language exam. Either OET or IELTS.
👉 How can I prepare for OET/IELTS?
There are number of resources available online and on Facebook which you can use. Alternatively, if you like spending money you can get in touch and pay for my coffee and get all the guidance in easy to understand knowledge nuggets 😁. I’m not that crazy to hate money 😉
👉 What are the other pathways other than PLAB?
1️⃣ Clear MRCP/MRCS exams and get Registration of UK.
2️⃣ Move to UK via CPSP Scholarship pathway and work there for two years.
3️⃣ Hospital Sponsorship (very rare)

👉 Is my FCPS Qualification acceptable in the UK?
There was a time when FCPS Pediatrics and FCPS Anesthesia were acceptable. This is not the case any more. Any post graduation training will definitely help you secure a better job with better pay in the UK but cannot bypass your licensing exam. You need to clear PLAB or MRCP/MRCS (all parts).
👉 I have heard that there is no PLAB 1 seat available in Pakistan. Is that true?
Yes, it’s definitely true. There are more candidates than available seats. But this doesn’t mean you should delay your OET or IELTS. If you don’t have OET/IELTS you are not eligible to apply for PLAB 1 whenever the seats become available for 2022 or 2023 even. It’s better early than never.
👉 How to secure a job in the UK after PLAB or MRCP/MRCS?
That’s a whole new story. I will write a separate post about that.
👉 What are the average salaries of Junior doctors in the UK?
Once a wise person said, ‘Never ask a man about his income’. Well, just kidding. The junior doctors (FY2) in the UK usually earn around 3000 to 4000 Pounds before taxes.
👉 Is this money enough?
It depends how much do you spend and what kind of living standard you adopt. Usually, the junior doctors in the UK are able to afford a nice decent car like BMW, a house on mortgage, annual overseas vacations and a good weekend time. 😉 They do savings as well. 🏧💷
👉 I want to understand the grades of doctors in the UK?
First of all understand that in UK they have Housejob of 2 years called foundation year. So a doctor in Pakistan who has done his housejob will be considered equivalent to FY1 in UK and he can get into FY2 job.
1️⃣Junior Doctors
✨ FY1 (Foundation Year 1)
✨ FY2 (Foundation Year 2)
✨ CT1-CT2 (Core Trainee)
2️⃣Middle Grade
✨ Registrars
3️⃣Senior Doctors
✨ Specialists
✨ Consultants
👉 Where do Pakistani young Doctors and Indian land usually into the system?
They usually get into the system at FY2 or CT1 level. That’s recommended as well to understand the system.
👉 How much time it will take to become a consultant in UK?
Well, it really depends. For example, GP Training is of 3 years while some specialist training is of 7 years. In UK, people earn good enough at junior grades that they are not in a hurry to get into a race to become a consultant. It’s the opposite in Pakistan because dynamics are different.
👉 What is the difference between a GP of UK and GP of Pakistan and India?
Well, you might not believe because the concept of GP in Pakistan is of a someone who has done MBBS and Housejob then didn’t pursue training and started his own clinic. Anybody can become a GP by renting out a shop and setting up a clinic.
While this is not the case in the UK. You cannot do independent practice just after MBBS. There is 3 years training program for GP. You get into that, complete your training, clear your exam and then you become member of Royal Colleges of General Practioners. They around around 90,000 to 110,000 Pounds per year before taxes.
This was just 5% of all the queries that I had in my mind and which I receive on daily basis.
There are a lot more questions, which I will try to address in the upcoming posts. If you have any particular questions please drop here in the comment box or reach out at GPs of Pakistan
Labeeq Afzal