How to make palm oil in Nigeria Locally
How To Produce Irresistible and Healthy Palm Oil locally
I know you must have seen the production of Palm Oil before…especially in the Villages.
Do you like that method of production?
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Now…what makes Palm Oil Healthy and Irresistible?
It is in the method of Production and the Methods (after Harvesting Fresh Fruit Bunches(FFB)) are as follows:
1. Bunch Stripping: This is the detachment of Palm Fruits from the the Bunch. It is now done with a machine called Bunch Stripper rather than covering the palm fruits and allowing it to become loose. The Importance of using this Bunch Stripper is that reduces the time wasted in Palm Oil Production and also reduces the Free Fatty Acid content in Palm Oil.

2. Cooking of Palm Fruits: The modern method of doing this is the use of Steam Boiler. This method cooks the fruits using Steam making it ready for Digesting. The advantage of Steam Boiler over other cooking methods( cooking the Palm Fruits with water) is that it reduces the loss of some quantity of Oil Lost when using the other methods of Cooking.
3. Digesting: This is the Mashing of Palm Fruits for the Separation of the Palm Fruit Flesh and the Kernel. This makes it possible for the next process which is Oil Extraction.
4. Oil Extraction: This is the pressing out of Oil from the the Flesh of the Palm Fruits. This process is done with an Oil Extractor(commonly called Press).
5. Palm Oil Refining: This is done with a Clarifier or Refining Unit. It is Done to remove impurities from Palm Oil.
This above Method is what makes Palm Oil Healthy, Irresistible and free-flowing.
Free-flowing Palm Oil has Less Free fatty Acid and It is Called Special Palm Oil. It is the type of Palm Oil We should Consume.
Do you need the above type of Palm Oil?
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Chikwe-charles ozurumba