What is kayamata used for? What is the meaning of kayanmata in Hausa?
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Kayanmata originated from the Northern part of Nigeria. It was originally meant for married women, then to preparing would-be -bride for healthy sexual life.
Kayanmata translated literally as “women’s thing’s or property” is a generic name for a range of different kinds of aphrodisiacs.
Why use kayanmata?
Kayamata is to serve a major purpose which is to improve sexual experience for women.
Just as women use kayanmata because they want to enhance their “bed work”, men buy kayanmaza (men’s thing’s) for the same purpose.

1. Poor libido/low or no desire for s*x.
2. Vaginal dryness.
3. Poor sensitivity.
4. loose yoni. E.t.c.
Should use it to help boost their sexuality.
Testimonies from women who used kayanmata to revive their sex lives to the utter admiration of their husbands or partners has caused a spike in the demand for kayanmata.
❌ ✖️But some Kayamata vendors these days are introducing the idea of magic (voodoo) in the products they sell (many have accused Jaruma of using juju for her kayanmata preparations). You see even women without any known sexual related condition order kayanmata with the hope that it would help tie down a man. Single ladies even involve in buying this items in order to tie a man with family down. Stories falling over heels that men falls in love with a woman after she used kayanmata has led to the belief that it can be used to charm men.
Their recipes generally are a combinations of herbs, fruit’s, spices, grains.
Examples are;
– honey
– cloves
– dates (dabino)
– tigernuts
– ginger
– gorontulla
– watermelon
– coconut
– millet e.t.c.
Some women can assemble these spices and fruits and prepare at home.
These days, new and supposedly improved kayamata formulation’s fill the market with the struggle to gather more customers. Many vendors now use imported spices and herbs promising near-magical results such as the ability to keep a man under a woman’s control. Women especially young ladies using it to attract expensive gifts, favours and attention from wealthy men either single or married is no longer news.
❌❌ That one is voodoo hiding under kayanmata’s umbrella. There’s a difference, so know the difference pls 👍
Women who use these locally made km main aim is to give their spouses a mind blowing experience. Na man wey enjoy his meal to his satisfaction dey bless wifey’s aza😅
NOTE ❌ ❌ It is not to be used everyday else it becomes a norm. Use on special days like birthdays, anniversary or on a day you feel so good that you want serve hubby a hot plate of food you gerrit? Hope you got it?😁😁
This article was first posted on Facebook by Bibian Peters.