Amazing Health Benefits of Kanafuru….cloves benefits
I am not interested in the spiritual benefits of kanafuru…I am only interested about the health benefits and medicinal uses of kanafuru and I am going to list them out in the article.
Yoruba call cloves kanafuru and it is one of the popular Yoruba herb which they use for the treatment of many ailments.
A botanist, Samuel Durojaye, talks about the benefits he derived from using kanafuru.
“I had serious issues with my teeth, I took so many drugs until some of these drugs had adverse effects on my body, I resolved to go to the dentist to remove the nagging painful tooth. As I was complaining with pain every time, one lady told me not to remove the teeth anymore, she just went around and bought kanafuru (cloves) and gave it to me with the instructions to use it before I go to bed – she said “ground it, and mix it into a paste with little water and apply it on the painful tooth directly”. Behold, this worked like a miracle. On getting up in the morning I was so surprised that I couldn’t feel any pain again”. Africa we are really blessed.

Clove is well known among the Yorubas as very potent in diseases prevention. It’s called KANAFURU amongst the Yorubas. We normally used this for newborn baby with caphura adding water together with onion leaves for stomach noise. Some people use it in cooking, it is an Indian spice. They use it in all of their foods. We use it for pepper soup too. Place 2-3 cloves in a mug of boiling water with garlic and Lipton tea and drink throughout the day.. Like tea for six weeks, you will see it work wonder in your health and most especially if you want flat tummy. If you can add turmeric, that will be “best product of the year.
Try it and pay me later. Don’t do it like ,’Ogun ti a ko ba fi owo ra ẹyin aro lo’ngbe.
You can grind this clove and add it to milk to heal almost all forms of diseases .
See below all what the milk and kanafuru powder will do for your health.
The seed is widely available or ask those who do “ Sobo drink” where they are getting it. Kanafuru is one of their ingredients.
Do you know if you put a little kanafuru (cloves) in a cup of milk and drink it on an empty stomach!!
Amazing Health Benefits of Kanafuru you should know
Drinking a cup of crushed kanafuru and milk will treat the following diseases:
1- Infertility.
2- low libido.
3- diseases of heart, stomach, liver and kidneys.
4- poor vision
5- joint pains.
6- Asthma, phlegm, cough and blocked nose.
7- Hiccups
8- indigestion and bloating.
9- memory loss
10- Excess gas in the stomach and the gut.
11- bladder infections and urinary incontinence.
12- Weakness of gums and teeth
13- General body weakness and lethargy .
14- Weak erection and poor sexual activity
15- Poor vision
16- Acne (pimples) and skin infections from insect bites
17- Diabetes and high blood sugar
18- Colds and fever
19- Sore throat and tonsillitis
20- Cancer.
21- Anxiety, depression and psychological conditions.
22- Hemorrhoids and inflammatory conditions
23-Stomach ulcer
Take two or three times weekly.
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