What happens if you drink Red Bull with Viagra? Does red bull help erectile dysfunction ?
It is a common practice among youths battling erectile dysfunction to use redbull or other energy drinks called 5 hour to swallow viagra. They believe that viagra with redbull helps to treat erectile dysfunction, weak erection, premature ejaculation, low libido (low sex drive). Many one minute men have master the use of red bull and viagra to last longer in bed.

How true is this this? Does red bull help erectile dysfunction? Does energy drink make you last longer in bed? What happens if you drink Red Bull with Viagra?
There is this general believe that energy drinks, because they give this rapid burst of energy, will also be good for erectile dysfunction and make you last longer in bed so you see a good number of men drinking all sorts of energy drinks like red bull, bullet , 5 hour, predator, monster etc to enhance their sexual performance. That is a wrong notion, practice or believe.
Energy drinks does not help you really last longer in bed ….at least not documented studies or research has proven or suggested the efficacy of energy drinks in treating or curing erectile dysfunction.
Energy drinks keeps you alert because of its high caffeine content. Energy drinks like red bull increase your heart rate and blood pressure and stimulate your central nervous system keeping your alert and super active. On the other hand, viagra acts by increasing blood flow to the penis while at the same time lowering blood pressure. You can see that the effect of taking red bull with Viagra cancel out each other quite well. So,the benefit you hope to derive from drinking viagra with red bull will come to nothing. Viagra and energy drinks like red bull effects on each other are best antagonistic. Red bull DOES NOT help viagra work better or longer please.
There is also another research conducted on rats that revealed that red bull significantly reduce the efficacy and absorption of viagra (sildenafil). This can leave you and your partner dissatisfied. The bottom line is, you should stop taking red bull with Viagra to achieve a result that will never be. Why not just take viagra alone instead of combining it with red bull or any energy drink for that matter?
Do not take red bull with viagra for any reason…viagra should also not be taken with alcohol. Just swallow it with water. No red bull, no bullet , no energy drinks please.
You can also discuss with you doctor about the possible benefits, side effects and dangers of drinking viagra with red bull.
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