Yoyo bitters and erectile dysfunction: Does Yoyo bitters treat erectile dysfunction?
There is this widespread belief that yoyo herbal bitters , alomo bitters , action bitters etc helps in the treatment of erectile dysfunction and male sexual disorders like low libido, premature ejaculation, low sperm count and weak erection. These herbal bitters is so popular as a performance enhancer in bed that many streets in Nigeria now drink it like water.
I just want to hear from the streets especially among those males that have use yoyo bitters before for their erectile problems….I decided to interview at least 10 men in a popular motor park in Lagos about the use of yoyo bitters for erectile issues.
PS: The sample size (number of people interviewed) may not be enough to draw a conclusion about the efficacy of yoyo herbal bitters, action herbal bitters, alomo herbal bitters etc in the cure of weak erection, premature ejaculation, and low libido. But it will give use an insight about what people actually think about these Nigerian bitters.
Yoyo bitters and erectile dysfunction: Does Yoyo bitters treat erectile dysfunction?
Kunle from Ibadan
Well, myself have not taken yoyo bitters before, but I have friends who take it just because they want to enhance their performance “in the other room”. They all believe in it and they say their wives are happy happy with them.
Emeka from Lagos
See whenever I want to meet my woman, I take yoyo bitters and milk. I mix the yoyo bitters or alomo bitters with peak milk and drink it at once. After then I feel like a horse, I don’t get tired.

Segun from ijesha
I don’t know about yoyo bitters o, but I know alomo bitters worked for me when i was battling with erectile dysfunction in 2016.
Ibrahim from Idi-araba
I have some of my yoruba friends that have mastered the use of bitters especially yoyo bitters as solution to their weak erection.
Mama Sikirat
I mix yoyo bitters and milk and small stout for my husband. It works for him and he can “cable” his work for long.
Okoro from Onitsha
Nna men, na yoyo bitters and milk win am o…e never fail me since I dey use am.
Osarogue from Benin city
My chairman, there was a time I was battling with low libido and quick ejaculation, yoyo bitters came strong for me….it is what I use till now.
James from Ondo
See, alot of people use yoyo bitters and other brands of alcoholic bitters for their erectile dysfunction, I don’t believe it works and I have never used any…for now I am fine naturally if you know what I mean.
Miss Joyce
Yoyo bitters ? I hear boys use it alot these days to last long in bed. I don’t really know if it works but I will find out from you know who…Laughs.
Baba Kamaldeen (60 years)
See my pickin, na yoyo bitters and alomo bitters I dey use and I never hear complaint for my prowess yet…that means say I get pass mark.
This was compiles by www.nimedhealth.com.ng
Thanks for sharing such informative information