Can a Physiologist become a medical doctor in Nigeria?
By physiologist , I suspect you mean the the said person had already graduated after studying physiology as a course in the University. However, after graduation, and getting his or her BSc certificate in physiology, he or she wants to get a MBBS degree in the same or different university.

Yes, it is very possible for a physiologist to become a medical doctor if she or he uses any of these 2 routes. Either two ways, you will still have to go back to the University, as there is no short cut to this thing.
1. Take JAMB form and back the University (Medical School)
After graduation with a BSc degree in Physiology, the guidelines of the National Universities Commission and the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria, is for you to register for UTME, if you want to study Medicine. Here, you will be required to go through the same process of admission into the department of Medicine and Surgery as a fresh secondary school leaver. The only advantage you will have this time is the experience and you already knowing how a university system works. You will be required to score at least 200 and above to be eligible for your chosen University’s Post-UME(the higher your JAMB score the better your chances of admission). Then you will also need to score very high in the POST JAMB to increase your chances of gaining admission (scoring above 70 will not be bad)…
If you succeed with this pathway, you will have to start studying Medicine in 100 level as compared to the next one I want to tell you about.👇
2. Direct Entry
Yes, some universities take direct Entry in Medicine…It is just that fewer number of students are admitted via the direct Entry route and it is quite too competitive. Please find out from the University first if they will take direct Entry students into Medicine for that year first before you apply (go and buy direct Entry form)…Some Universities that take direct entry students into Medicine usually do not it yearly, so find out first. Physiology is a Science and Medical course, so as a physiologist, you will be eligible to study Medicine in any University in Nigeria.
The good thing about direct entry is that you will start from 200level instead of 100 level.
Other methods but are not reliable…
1. You can go and do some one year remedial courses in the University after graduation where you will be required to get Medicine if you pass and start from 200level…. for example, JUPEB in Uniben. I don’t advise this as it is largely unreliable and super expensive. Once again, the coast is not clear here at all.
2. You are not a Physiologist yet, you are still a physiology student,say in 200level or even 400level but you can work your transfer to the department of Medicine and Surgery while still a student. Most Universities no longer accept this ….and it also requires alot of “long leg” and connection.
I seriously hope you find this useful. Thank you.
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