List of Probiotic Foods in Nigeria including Supplements, probiotic drinks in Nigeria, Probiotic supplements in Nigeria.
A close friend of mine was diagnosed with typhoid and she was given a round of antiobiotics after which the typhoid was soon cured but she started noticing something wierd.
Her food never digested on time, she began to fart very smelly farts especially at night and noticed she had an usual smelly discharge with endless stooling and bloating.

To her horror she was told that the healthy bacteria in her gut had been tampered with by the round of antibiotics she took and that her vaginal smelly discharge was due to the healthy bacteria that was tampered with in her sexual organ as well. When she told me she took Ijebu garri, greek yogurt and Iru. I decided to check what they contained. She was told to go take foods that had Probiotics.
What Are Probiotics?
Probiotics are healthy live bacteria (microorganisms) and yeast that exist in your gut,(where food passes through,from the mouth to the intestines) they aid digestion,fight bad bacteria and help keep our digestive tracts and immune system functioning properly.
Types of Probiotic
1. Lactobacillus
2. Bifidobacterium
1. Lactobacillus is found in fermented foods.
Fermented food sources rich in probiotics in Nigeria.
1. Ijebu garri(one of the most effective sources). Amala,fufu,Lafun etc
2. Fermented Balsam seeds popularly known as Iru in yoruba, Ogiri in Igbo and Dawdawa in hausa. They help with illnesses like diarrhea and indigestion,even with people who can’t digest lactose(the sugar in milk)
2. Bifidobacterium.
Exists in some dairy products like yogurt. I love greek yoghurt particularly sweetened or unsweetened. Yogurt can potentially help prevent yeast infections and aid in their treatment. “Yogurt is rich in probiotics, especially plain Greek yogurt, so if a woman is prone to yeast infections and digestive issues, taking a probiotic that is rich in [the bacteria] Lactobacilli, or eating plain Greek yogurt every day can be helpful.
Another Nigerian probiotic is goat milk. The probiotic benefits present in goat milk yogurt help support healthy digestion, lower your risk of diabetes, support weight, prevent fat loss and reduce high blood pressure.
What health problems do probiotics solve?
1. Irritable bowel syndrome
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
2. Infectious diarrhea (caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites) or use of antibiotics.
3. Skin conditions, like eczema
4. Urinary and vaginal health
5. Preventing allergies and colds eg. asthma
6. Oral health
7. Bloating
8. Probiotics reduce the risk of colon cancer
9. Cleans the womb
Note;The grave mistake made by our doctors is that they never prescribe probiotics when prescribing antibiotics which results in depletion of the immune system for many unfortuate people.
There are probiotic supplements or drugs or medication like optibac and probiotic acidophilus but please don’t take them without a doctors prescription. However our focus here is natural sources stated above which are more potent than the medicated versions.
In summary, here are the list of probiotic foods in Nigeria
1. Fufu (akpu)
2. Goat milk
3. Dawadawa
4. Iru
5. Ijebu garri or any other type of garri
6. Tiger nuts
7. Amala
8. Greek yogurt
9. sauerkraut
10. Kefir
11. Cheese
12. Abacha (African salad)
13. Akamu or pap
14. Kunnu (from millet)
15. Palmwine
16. Nunu (Fulani fermented milk)
17. fermented ukpaka (Igbo)
18. Common probiotic drinks in Nigeria are:the local drink like pito of local beer made from fermented millet or sorghum, palm wine from palm sap and “burukutu’’ from fermented grains.
19. Kenke or dorkunu
20. Lafun
21. Tuwo masara
22. Agidi or Eko
23. Oha soup
24. Wara
25. African apple star (agbalumo)
26. African pear (ube)
27. Hollandia yoghurt
28. Fresh yoghurt
29. Banga soup
30. Vitamilk
Warning: DO NOT take antibiotics anyhow just because they are available. Stay safe and healthy.
Research compiled by Joy Eden and Dr Udomoh
2.The chalkboard
Thanks for this information