Does hunger or eating too much pepper cause stomach ulcer?
Stomach ulcer is:
NOT caused by pepper
NOT caused by hunger
NOT incurable

Stomach ulcer is commonly caused by:
H. Pylori infection
Abuse of drugs like Ibuprofen or Diclofenac called NSAIDS
It is also curable and treatable.
Your stomach secretes an acid known as gastric acid with a pH of less than 3.5 enough to burn through your skin, why doesnt this burn your stomach?
This is because your stomach is protected by a sheet of mucus like substance that protects it from being destroyed by this acid.
When you get infected with H Pylori, it can survive the harsh environment of the stomach by netutralizing the acid around it
It is able to colonise the stomach, sometimes for years, this can lead to inflammation and create a chance for acid to reach the stomach wall.
This H Pylori can be gotten from contaminated water, utensils and even from the saliva of infected persons
Many people get this during childhood, but adults can get it too. It can also live in the body for years before people start to get symptoms.
Other causes of ulcers are drugs, some drugs can lead to the breakdown of this protective lining, for example drugs like Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, felvin, etc, abuse of these drugs can lead to what you know as ulcer
Some antibiotics can also lead to this condition also.
Alcohol also irritates the lining of the stomach and but there is little evidence that it may directly lead to ulcers, same for caffeine and smoking.
However these things are risk factors, things that make it easier for you to get an ulcer, others are genetics also.
Smoking however, if you already have a H Pylori infection can increase the chances of you getting ulcer, smoking is harmful to the lining of the stomach
Severe stress can also cause ulcer, not traffic stress o. But having burns, severe illness, brain trauma or injury.
Some uncommon causes are conditions where people secrete a lot of stomach acid. I won’t bore you with those details. Some of them are when the cells of the stomach are enlarged and hence secrete more acid than the lining can handle.
In simplest of terms, an ulcer is just a wound on the inside of the stomach. To treat it, you would need to remove what is causing the wound and reduce the acid in the stomach so it can heal.
If I keep pouring acid on a wound, will it heal?
Ehn? Answer me! Will it heal?
If the cause is an infection, your doctor will treat that infection with antibiotics and drugs that reduce the acid and protect your stomach.
There will be tests that to confirm that you have an infection, questions and examinations to determine the exact cause of your ulcer.
If ulcers are not treated properly, or if they occur for a long time, there is a risk of getting gastric cancer, this risk is small however,H Pylori is associated with a condition that is associated with gastric cancer.
In other cases, this ulcer can perforate the stomach and may hit an artery to cause bleeding into the stomach, this is an emergency! So if you ever vomit what looks like coffee or have stool is black and tarry, please see a doctor immediately!
If you have a stomach ulcer
. Avoid fizzy drinks, it makes it worse
. Limit spicy peppery meals
. Don’t fast for long hours
. Don’t smoke period
. Manage stress
. Limit caffeine
. Avoid drugs known as NSAIDs, inform your doctor also.