Approved Average Salary Scale of Optometrists in Nigeria, how much are Optometrists paid in Nigeria?
Welcome to this page. On this page I will help you understand the following:
➡️Who is an optometrist
➡️Duties of an optometrist
➡️What is the difference between an optometrist, ophthalmologist and an optician
➡️Approved salary structure of an optometrist in Nigeria
➡️Approved salary scale of an optometrist in Nigeria
➡️Average salary of an optometrist in Nigeria
➡️How lucrative is Optometry in Nigeria
Who is an Optometrist?
According to the World council of optometry (WCO), Optometrists are the primary healthcare practitioners of the eye and visual system who provide comprehensive eye and vision care.
Duties of an optometrist
Optometric scope of practice includes;
2.Dispensing-spectacles and contact lenses
3.Detection/diagnosis and management of visual
problems; Examination of the eye and visual
system,assessment of binocular vision,ocular and systemic pathology with ocular manifestations eg – glaucoma, Diabetic retinopathy, Hypertension & cataract.
4.The use of diagnostic and therapeutic drugs
5.Low vision rehabilitation
6.Referral to Ophthalmologist and other professionals
Optometric primary care responsibilities;
2.Health Education
3.Health Promotion
4.Health Maintenance
6.Treatment & rehabilitation
What is the difference between an optometrist, ophthalmologist and an optician
What are the key differences between an optometrist, an ophthalmologist and an optician?
An optometrist is a doctor of optometry (OD)who is professionally trained and licensed to examine the eyes and treat visual defects. They can prescribe corrective lenses, eyeglasses, contact lenses and can diagnose eye problems. However, an optometrist is not the same as a medical doctor.
An ophthalmologist is a doctor of medicine (MD) who specializes in the treatment of eye diseases and complete vision care. An ophthalmologist is professionally trained to give complete eye exams, prescribe medications for eye diseases and perform eye surgery on patients.
The role of opticians is primarily to design, verify and fit eyeglass lenses and frames, contact lenses, and other devices to correct eyesight. Opticians don’t perform vision tests or write prescriptions for visual correction.
Approved salary structure of an optometrist in Nigeria.
How much are Optometrists paid in Nigeria? The average monthly salary of an optometrist in Nigeria is around #90,000 – #150,000 Naira. For optometrists working for the government (in government owned hospitals), the entry level of a fresh optometrist graduate is around #70,000 monthly and they will paid higher as they rise through the ranks in the civil service cadre. Personally, I know some Optometrists that earn close to #300,000 monthly from their private practice. How lucrative is Optometry in Nigeria? Optometry is not very lucrative in Nigeria based on many factors. However, the monthly wages of an optometrist in Nigeria is not stagnate. It depends on their personal side hustle.

PS: Graduate optometrists are yet to start internship in Nigeria so I could not verify how much optometrists are supposed to earn during internship.
World Optometrist Organization
Kenya Optometrist Association
Association of Indian Optometrists
Image Credit: Amara Care
Doctors of Optometry do mandatory Intership, just that you aren’t aware
Thank you for this new and vital information