What is the best country for a Nigerian doctor to Migrate to? (See Options)
Please read this informative article to the end 👇
On Doctors and Migrating,
1. Not everyone can , not everyone should. Not everyone is better off Abroad.
2. If your plan is to “leave”. Just to leave the country and Practice Medicine outside. The UK is your best bet. The US is much more expensive and longer.
3. It is possible to get into training in the UK. Infact, it might be easier than matching in the US. Know the Options and start working towards it.
4. If you are in Residency in Nigeria, it is a “Plus” when you are relocating.
5. IT IS LONELY IN THE ABROAD. Know this early and establish networks and support systems
6. There are pathways that incorporate the Training/ Experience you receive here granting you opportunities to a better pay/position
7. You can start the USMLE path from Medical School.

8. UK experience opens up a few other options. If you are uncertain about your long term goals, Start with this.
9. 2 years work experience in the UK makes you eligible to work in Australia. Pay is better there
10. Consider Family when making decisions. The journey is LONG.
11. If your goal is to Practice, Canada should be a distant option. If you want to relocate however especially with Family, you should consider it
12. There are a LOT of Non Clinical Roles for Medical Doctors Abroad. Don’t Box Yourself. Develop your side hustle too.
13. Staying in Nigeria and doing a Residency program is a VALID option. It has the lowest barrier to entry.
14. Doctors in the UK earn “less” than you think. It really isn’t a great place to “make” Money
15. Quick Cash? Consider the Middle East. Do your research though.
16. You will probably fail IELTS the first time. Register for it now.
17. Write Primaries if you have the Funds. It’s a good backup
18. Even if you save all your HouseJob Salary, it wouldn’t be enough for the Cheapest Pathway (UK). Its not Cheap. You need money!
19. Make informed decisions. Seek a Second and a Third opinion. People would advise you based on their experiences is quite different from yours.
20. Make plans to come back. Most people later want to but they have severed all ties. Keep your options open
21. DO NYSC!
22. No matter your Pathway, ensure you have a Backup. It will almost never go as planned and this backup will help.
23. There are more Doctors in China than you think. It isn’t a bad option
24. Be Flexible about your choice of specialty abroad. Be smart. Know the numbers.
25. There are Doctors in Nigeria who make more from Practice than Doctors outside Nigeria.
26. Know the Citizenship criteria for the countries you are considering. Add that to the factors guiding your Decision
27. Doctors in Australia earn the most. Great place to Live too.
28. NONE of the Pathways is easy. The easiest option is actually staying in Naij .Be ready to put in Work
29. The cons of living as an immigrant abroad? Doctors experience them too. You ain’t special
30. For some, leaving would be a mistake. For some others, its the best option.
The truth is we should have more conversations around these things. We should ask whys and hows and what next.
It is not enough to leave because “the country is bad” or “better pay”.
The journey is much more INDIVIDUAL than it looks.
The most important thing is knowledge.
Know the options and how they affect your personal goals in order to make informed decisions.
Pathways abound, and info about them are awash the internet. But the true reality of things can only be told by someone who has walked the walk.
To assist with this, i have put together a Whatsapp group, with Doctors who have “Japa’d” and a number of Consultants in Nigeria, so we can have Robust discussions about Migration.
The spotlight would be on the UK, US, Canada, China and Australia, and Residency in Naij too.
This article was put together by Dr Afam John.
You can follow him on Twitter via @DrJohnAfam