Side Effects and Health Benefits of Agbalumo/Udara/cherry (African Star Apple), agbalumo season.
AFRICAN STAR APPLE (Nigerians call it CHERRY; also popularly called “Agbalumo” by the Yorubas) and Udara by the Igbos, Udala in Efik, and Ibibio; Ehya in Igala, Agwaluma in Hausa. In Benin, it is called Azongogwe or Azonbobwe in local language. Botanically called Chrysophyllum albidum.
When you are told to take fruits rich in vitamin C, what comes to mind? 👉 Oranges.
But guess what? The vitamin C content of this fruit is much higher than that of citrus fruits (orange, lemon, lime, tangerine, etc.)
However, vitamin C is not the only nutrient you’ll get from taking this fruit, as it is also a good source of fibre, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, zinc, magnesium and potassium
So the next time you see a trader selling “cherry”, please stop and buy some.
Some taste sugary and yummy while some others taste sour, so not everyone loves this fruit. Most times the sour taste of agbalumo “slaps the cheeks. ”
Agbalumo Season
As a seasonal fruit, Agbalumo is mostly cultivated in the rural areas of the country and fully in season from January to April. It is also available between November to March.
Health Benefits of Agbalumo/African Apple Star/Cherry
This Africa star fruit is a fruit that is loved by many Nigerians and it also has its own health benefits and the health benefits shall be listed below.
1. It has a high vitamin C content
The Agbalumo is a wonderful source of vitamin C, with 25 mg of vitamin C per 100 gram of fruit.
2. It is a natural remedy
Agbalumo is a natural remedy for toothache, constipation, sore throat, mouth gum disease and much more.
3. It helps you lose weight
As funny as this may sound, it is what it is: Agbalumo can be very useful when it comes to weight reduction. One serving of Agbalumo contains just 67 calories; this makes it a good choice for people with weight issues as they get fewer calories in the process of consuming it.

4. It is good for pregnant women
It is not a coincidence that Agbalumo is liked by some pregnant women. As a matter of fact, the acidic taste of Agbalumo help prevents the urge to vomit when experiencing morning sickness.
5. Boosts Appetite
When the fully ripe agbalumo is consumed, it is sweet, lush and sensitizes the taste buds of the eater.
6. Lowers blood sugar
A study carried out at Covenant University revealed that this cherry is capable of lowering blood sugar levels and cholesterol which ultimately prevents or manages heart problems. Thus, this fruit comes highly recommended for heart patients and diabetic patients.
7. Anti-oxidant
Since it contains a lot of Vitamin C, it is an amazing source of anti-oxidants that comes with stress. Its antioxidant property protects you against free radicals- molecules that damages the human body cells.
8. Treats Constipation
Fiber provides bulk to your diet, a factor that can make your stomach feel fuller for longer and acts as roughages that helps cleans out your bowels and relieves constipation. Apart for treating constipation, fibres can keep you from eating too much, and it may help you lose weight.
Side Effects
1. Moderation is required in the consumption of this fruit because excess could lead to heartburn.
2. According to an article published on the Guardian Newspaper, the ethanolic root bark (NOT FRUIT) extract of African cherry may damage fertility in men. The research findings revealed that extracts from the roots of agbalumo tree damaged/reduced the reproductive ability of the experimental wistar rats.
PS: The information given above is not a substitute for the medications prescribed by your medical doctor