FG Introduces Second Dose of Measles Vaccination @ 15 months into Immunization Schedule in Nigeria – NPHCDA…
The Nigerian Health Blog got this information from a Press Release by the agency in charge of immunization in Nigeria. Read below. .
Dear Nigerians.
From the 14th of November 2019, the Federal Government will be introducing Measles Second Dose at 15 Months into the Routine Immunization schedule.
Apart from the usual first dose of Measles at nine (9) months old, all children will be vaccinated at 15 months with a SECOND DOSE of Measles vaccine.
The SECOND DOSE of Measles vaccination is given to every child at 15 months as a second opportunity to fully protect children against the deadly Measles disease.

This is a critical time in our lives because Nigeria has an opportunity to eradicate measles, which causes blindness, malnutrition and death.
As parents, we must forsake all doubts and visit the nearest health facility or vaccination post to ensure our children are vaccinated. I have vaccinated my children and will urge you to do the same.
I want to assure you that vaccines given to our children are potent, safe and effective. At the NPHCDA, we will continue to do our best to ensure our children are protected from vaccine – preventable diseases.
We call on parents and caregivers to always do the needful. Remember to keep the child’s vaccination card safe and present it at every hospital visit.
For complaints and enquiry, contact us on these toll-free numbers: 08031230414, 08031230416
Email us at: info@nphcda.gov.ng or Follow our activities online: Instagram: NPHCDA and Facebook: National Primary Health Care Development Agency
Signed: Dr. Faisal Shuaib
Executive Director/CEO National Primary Health Care Development Agency
Source: NPHCDA
Measles is a childhood infection caused by a virus. Once quite common, measles can now almost always be prevented with a vaccine.
The Nigerian Center for Disease Control has reported almost 6 000 cases of measles and 15 deaths in Nigeria since the beginning of 2019, twice as much as last year for the same period.
With more than 3 600 cases, the vast majority among children under five, Borno State is the most affected by the outbreak. Despite the vaccination campaign conducted in February, the number of cases continues to rise. A second round of vaccination campaign is planned by the State and Federal Ministries of Health and health partners.