Applause as FMC Owerri Doctors Saved Man whose neck was impaled by a hammer (graphic pics)
According to @medical_africa, he tweeted that: “Nigerian Doctors, nurses and other health workers are exceptional. It took the spirited effort of a team of health workers to save this man at FMC owerri last night. What we desire is for the authorities to equip our hospitals and make them functional and accessible. And if any one is still in doubt, he or she can visit the hospital and offer to pay part of his bills, and in the process an get further first hand information”.
A Senior Registrar in the Department of Ear, Nose and Throat gives an in depth analysis of the whole scenario.

Read his own account below below….
*….After all Nigerian Doctors are very good*
Good Morning All.
FMC Owerri emergency response of Surgeons on call saved a Life at around 10:30pm yesterday.
This is a 35yrs old Bricklayer who accidentally fell off from a Storey building while at work and landed with the left lateral anterior Neck, on a hammer 🔨 standing on the ground with the handle facing upwards. This pierced via the anterior and exited on the posterior. However, as God may have it, he was *not in any respiratory distress* and *vitals are relatively stable on presentation*
Being the *Senior Registrar on call in Ear, Nose and Throat and Head and Neck Surgeon*, I called out my 2 ENT Consultants, quickly raised alarm and invited the Vascular Surgeons, Burns and plastic, Traumatologist / Spine Surgeons, Anaesthetist, & Theatre Peri-op Nurses informed to get set..!!

Necessary urgent Investigations were done, thanks to our Med. Laboratory Scientist Friends, who acted promptly as the urgency demands, gave us 4 units of screened / cross matched blood and provided the results needed as fast as possible.
… Within a short while, all the invited Surgeons storm the Casualty, we quickly wheeled the patient to the theatre and Neck Exploration with foreign body removal was done.

…Miraculous intra-Op Findings: The hammer neatly passed *medial* to the Carotid vessel and IJV and *lateral* to the Oesophagus, Trachea and the Vertebral column.
… Patient was later transferred to the ICU by the Anaesthetist for observation.
… Early this morning when checked, patient is doing very well, vitals are still stable.
To God be the glory🙏
*Dr. Ibekwe Nnaemeka*
*(SR ENT, FMC Owerri Reporting)*
This is not once in a blue moon medical feat in Nigeria, just recently, Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital reported that they have successfully performed the 47th Kidney transplant which is high for a government hospital.