How healthy are sausages and what are its health risks?

You will not let sharwama rest, it has become dinner for you. “Oga put two sausages” I hope you know that processed meat like sausages, hot dogs, corned beef, are classified as Group 1 carcinogens”.
What does this mean?
There is STRONG evidence that they cause cancer.
The evidence is so strong that tobacco (cigarettes or shisha) are in the same category as processed meats.
Does this mean that processed meat is as dangerous as Tobacco?
No, it just means that the scientific evidence that it causes cancer is strong red meat was placed in Group 2A.
Does this mean you should stop eating meat?
Cut down your intake of processed meats, or stop altogether. Some of these meats contain chemicals during processing like N-nitroso compounds.
Suya is not safe either as the burning can form poly aromatic Hydrocarbons which is harmful.
What causes cancer in sausages and how does it do it?
The things that are causing all the fuss are chemicals called nitrites and nitrates, which once in the body can be converted into cancer-causing compounds. These, according to a spokesman forCancer Research UK, occur naturally in red meat, but are also often added during meat-processing as a preservative.
All red meat also contains a red pigment called haems, which, once in the gut, can be broken down to form N-nitroso compounds, or NOCs, many of which are known to cause cancer. Additionally, haems may irritate or damage the cells lining the bowel, which can lead to them dividing more rapidly – exactly the kind of action that is more likely to increase the risk of developing cancer.
It took 22 experts from 10 countries, working on more than 800 studies on cancer to come up with these findings but Boniface from Berger(Lagos) will tell you that his neighbor has been eating sausages and does not have cancer, which makes them wrong.
Recmended: Do you know shisha also causes cancer?
Y’all should ask yourself why there is increased prevalence of cancer in Nigeria now than before. Drastic increase in the intake of processed foods have caused a lot of harm and can be traced to this.
Eat healthy, eat safe.
Aproko Doctor