Medical misdiagnosis stories. Kenyan man blasted for sharing stories that don’t add up.
A Kenyan that goes by the name Kinuthia Pius took to his twitter handle to narrate up 5 controversial stories of medical misdiagnosis that has happened in Kenya on his Twitter handle. He was however blasted by Twitter users who claimed his stories did add up while some mocked him for his poor grasp of the basic medical terminology – hysterectomy.
Read his write-up below.…
In 2010, a 64years old lady from Kisumu was admitted at the Aga Khan Hospital for normal surgery (hysterectomy) after a series of medical tests and wide consultations from doctors and a confirmation that she had cervical cancer.

The surgery was intended to take 3 hours but took 12 hours. It turned out the doctors found a hernia and decided to repair it then conduct the hysterectomy (red flag).
On the third day-post operation,she developed complications at night which included difficulty in breathing,reduction in urine output,low blood pressure yet she was hypertensive. Six hours later ,she died of an acute bacteria infection.
After a post-mortem was conducted, they found her uterus was missing! They also found out that her large intestines were punctured during the surgery,so the contents leaked into the blood steam thus explaining the cause of her acute bacterial infection and poisoned her.
The admitting doctor quickly vacated the scene and even went for a holiday abroad.
In 2015, Zachary Mosoti suffered a hip fracture but doctors at the Aga Khan Hospital ended up giving him medication for mental disorders.
In 2017,a lady underwent uterine ultrasound at a high end hospital in Nairobi.The Radiographer misinterpreted the Ultrasound scan and misinformed the doctors and the lady that she had a cyst . She underwent an operation but the cyst was never found.
In Kenya, 20% cases of deaths are as a result of Misdiagnosis.
In December 2017, my lady started complaining of lower abdominal which would go away after taking a medication called “Ponstan Forte”. The pain would go for a two weeks then recur for another few days. At first the pain was mild.But just could not go away completely.
Early January 2018, i decided to take her to a private hospital X, where the first thing they recommended was a H.pylori test – which was done by the way. It was confirmed positive and she begun her two weeks medication immediately.
One month later, the pain came back-this time round the pain became intense (I became worried since weird thoughts of her possible illness started lingering in my mind)
I took her to another private hospital M. They too suggested their own H.pylori tests even after protesting she had just completed H.pylori treatment two weeks earlier-I gave in.
First shocker-after the test they told me she has no history of H.pylori.
They carried out other tests: FBC being one of them. They misdiagnosed her for UTI. All this time they doesn’t care to investigate her pelvic area. She was hospitalized for two weeks. Hospital bill you can guess.
They put her on some medication and the pain vanished till December 2018. I even tried public hospitals and private physicians. Then came January 2019.
The pain became worse such that she couldn’t sleep.She would cry the whole night and she lost some weight. She also started bleeding profusely,with thick meaty black clots coming out. Doctors said it was hormonal imbalance and put her on some hormonal pills – I SAID NO!
THE third specialist diagnosed her for serious CERVICAL COMPLICATIONS which had progressed for 6 months, UTERINE FIBROIDS (underlying the uterine wall), UTERINE INFLAMMATION and a PID.
However, other Twitter users say his medical misdiagnosis stories didn’t add up.
Read their Responses …….
Nigerian Health Blog@DrUdomoh
She had a hysterectomy, now her uterus is missing postmortem. What were you expecting? Complete and healthy uterus uterus in the woman after its removal? Please let you stories add up. Thank you.
But you’ve indicated she underwent hysterectomy which is basically removal of part/all uterus,then suggest postmortem revealed the uterus was missing shows some hidden agenda.
Mwaurah Karanja@KaranjaMwaurah
maweu kelvin@kmaweu
But didn’t you say she had a hysterectomy? Why are you then stating that her uterus was missing?
wa Cyprian@WaCyprian
Uterus was missing because the initial surgery and the reason for her being taken to theatre was to remove her uterus (hysterectomy). Hernia was a incidental finding when the surgery began… We can’t tell the quality of post operative management in this case.
21 Cabbage@21Cabbage20
Dr. Ouma Oluga@fnoluga
In healthcare, a diagnosis may never be made. Occasionally, a diagnosis may be made only at post-mortem (surest one) and often diseases manifest in small bits that may take even decades (chronic illness) to be diagnosed. Unfortunately, that’s the pain for both patients & Doctors .
Thread started on Twitter by Mr. Kinuthia Pius