Do you believe in the word: ‘the fairer the beautier’? What are the side-effects of skin bleaching? Continue reading.
Femi Kuti, afropop star and son of the late afropop legend Fela Kuti puts has this to say about skin bleaching to Al Jazeera:
“When the bleaching propaganda got so negative, they had to come up with toning. Bleaching sounds too hard, now it’s toning. I don’t bleach, they say, I tone!”
“They think bleaching isgege,” he told Al Jazeera, using a Nigerian term for cool.
Femi attributes skin bleaching to a feeling that foreign products and images must, by definition, be good.
“An African will prefer to be called John-Philip. If you said your name was Chukwu Emeka Afongkudong they will say you are from the village. You are backward. How can you have such a name? We really look down on our culture and heritage instead of being proud of it,” he laments.
Most skin-lightening or bleaching products contain mercury, hydroquinone, corticosteroids, a variety of alpha and beta hydroxyacids (AHAs, BHAs), kojic acid, arbutin, azelaic acid, ascorbic acid, glutathione and such others. These are either used as the main ingredient of a product, or in combination.
These ingredients found in bleaching creams have adverse effects on individuals who patronizes and uses them. No matter how you want to “belong” to a particular group or the excuse of the societal and corporate demand for fairer skins, the dangers, disadvantages and side-effects of skin bleaching far outweighs the so called benefits by 1000 percent.
This article is not meant to tell you how to leave your life or how to keep or choose a skin colour, rather, it is meant for your education and knowledge so you can make an informed decision on bleaching.
Below are a list of over 70 dangers or disadvantages of skin bleaching:
Side-effects of skin bleaching
- sunburns-walking freely in the sun becomes a problem
- Pimples or acne
- Skin rashes
- Stretch marks
- Disfigured skin
- Chronic skin Ulcers
- Poor wound healing
- Skin infections
- Skin cancer
- Liver problems
- Kidney failure
- Low self esteem
- In situations of injuries or accidents, wound are difficult to stitch.
- Skin thinning and tears
- Skin bleaching is expensive
- It is expensive to sustain or maintain
- One of the disadvantages of bleaching is skin irritation
- Allergic contact dermatitis
- You age fast
- It is dirty and ugly
- Darkening of the skin (hyperpigmentation)
- Cracks and fissures on the skin
- Itching and development of red sores.
- Mixing of skin bleaching products is combersome
- Skin bleaching ingredients such as hydroquinone has been linked to leukemia
- It makes you ugly
- Bleaching shows lack of belief in your race
- Visible blood vessels on your skin
- Birth defects or congenital abnormalities if used during pregnancy
- Loss of identity
- Nerve damage
- Wound breakdown
- Freckles
- Scarring
- Blistering of the skin
- Burns
- Crusting and flaking of the skin
- Secondary bacteria infections
- Dark patches all over your skin
- Stigma and discrimination from the society
- Black spots
- Mercury poisoning
- Mental disorder from mercury poisoning
- Convulsions from mercury poisoning
- Skin eruptions
- Hypertension
- Cushing syndrome
- Cataracts
- Diabetes milletus
- Immunosuppression-lowers the immune system and ability to fight infections
- Adrenal insufficiency or outright failure
- Body odour
- Hyperhidrosis (increased facial hair)
- Discoloration of the sides of the cheeks (exogenous onchronosis)
- Mottled skin
- Nerve damage from mercury
- Face body color incongruity -coka cola for body fanta for face
- Blackened knuckles
- Dermatophytosis
- Excessive sweating
- Body shaming
- Blood cancer
- Liver cancer
- Eczema
- Osteoporosis
- Uneven skin colour
- Wrinkling of the skin
- Weight gain for skin lightening creams containing steroids
- Permanent bleaching
- Cellulite formation
- Burns, parmanent scarring, pain on intercourse, bacteria vaginosis and yeast infection for women that does vulva bleaching
- It is an insult and shows your disgust for your race.

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This article is so deep and so useful with so detailed summarized information.
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